bringing your little girl home (requested)

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"It's so nice to be home." You said as Jihyo helped you lay down in the comfort of your shared bed.

She couldn't help but smile, knowing that you felt a little better already.

Hospitals are never a fun place to be, and bringing your daughter into the world was not an easy thing.

But every second was so worth it and you're both thrilled that, at last, you're finally home together.

"Come here, little lovebug," Jihyo spoke softly as she lifted your baby from her car seat and gently held her in her arms. "Let's go see your mom."

She walked to you and slowly placed your little girl in your arms, watching as you stared at her adoringly as soon as her tiny head was resting on your shoulder.

Jihyo felt like she could just cry from the happiness she felt. It was overwhelming but in the most beautiful way.

She can't remember ever being so happy.

It feels as though every piece had fallen into place, as if she'd found where she's always been meant to be; right here with you and your little girl.

The last couple of days haven't been easy for either of you but it's so worth it now that your little girl is home.

With ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes, your baby girl is everything Jihyo ever dreamt of having.

She's perfect and she can't take her eyes off of either of you.

She slowly sat down on the bed and scooted as close as she could get to you.

She kissed your little girl's head softly, lips lingering there for a few sweet seconds.

"Hi." She whispered in your ear before kissing below it.


"Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah." You answered, turning your gaze away from the baby so you could look at Jihyo. "I'm better than ever, happier than ever."

"Me too." She said as she began to run her fingers across the baby's tiny arm. "I still can't believe she's here. She's just so beautiful."

"I know. It feels surreal." You said as you both stared down at your daughter, watching as she slept. "We're moms, Jihyo."

"We are, my girl." She smiled and kissed your cheek. "And we're going to the best moms in the world. Our little girl is already so loved and she always will be, no matter what. She'll always be supported. She'll always have two moms that adore her more than anything."

"All I want is for her to be happy and for her to know she can always be herself. I want her to follow her heart and express herself however she feels. I just want the best for her."

"Same here. But let's not think about the future too much right now. She's only two days old, I don't want to think about her growing up so fast."

You chuckled and put your head on her shoulder, agreeing wholeheartedly.

"Aren't you just the cutest?" Jihyo cooed to your little girl, stroking her soft cheek.

"You should hold her." You said.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just want you to bond with her a little, too. I know you want to hold her, so you should."

Jihyo grinned and carefully held onto your little girl as you laid her in her arms.

When she began to cry, Jihyo was quick to comfort her.

"No, no, no." Jihyo shushed. "It's okay, baby. Everything's okay. I'm right here, I've got you."

Your daughter calmed down and opened her eyes, staring at Jihyo as she wrapped her tiny fingers around Jihyo's index finger.

You reached for your phone and it took you a moment since you were so sore but once you had it, you took a little video and some photos of your girls.

You sent them to the girls before setting one as your lock screen.

Putting your phone down, you put your head on Jihyo's shoulder as you both marveled at your precious daughter.

"We love you so much, angel," Jihyo whispered.

"And we always will." You added and brushed your fingers across the baby's forehead.

You stared at your girls with tears of joy in your eyes, swearing that you've never been happier or more in love than you are now.

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