you have morning sickness (requested)

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"Jihyo?" You muttered quietly as you tapped her shoulder and tried hard to wake her up.

She slowly opened her eyes and then covered them with her hands as soon as she noticed the lamp lighting up the room.

"What is it, baby?"

"I feel sick again." You mumbled and she uncovered her eyes and blinked a few times before sitting up.

Looking at the time on the clock made another groan fall from her lips. It's not even five in the morning.

She was hoping this morning wouldn't start the same as all of the others for the last week have.

Not because she hates waking up at these early hours and she's exhausted. But more so because she hates seeing you so sick.

As tired as she feels, she knows you're feeling even worse. You've been so exhausted and the morning sickness hits you at all times throughout the day, making you feel terrible, and it breaks her heart.

"You told me to wake you if I felt sick again."

"I know." She said and put her hand on your shoulder. "I'm happy that you did."

You hung your head, groaning as the sick feeling became even more overwhelming.

You're not too far along in your pregnancy just yet, only about nine weeks.

You and Jihyo have been wanting this for so long and tried so hard and although you're so happy that you finally succeeded, you feel absolutely miserable.

You tried to take some deep breaths as Jihyo rubbed your back. You so desperately wanted for it to just go away so you could just curl up under the covers and go back to sleep.

But pregnancy has been anything but pleasant so far and as much as you wish that would happen, you knew it wasn't going to.

A few minutes after waking her up, your mouth started to water and you knew you didn't have long before you'd begin to get sick.

You covered your mouth and jumped out of bed, kicking the blankets away from your feet as you got up and ran into the bathroom as quickly as you could.

Jihyo was following right behind you. Instinctively, she knelt on the floor behind you and did all she could to comfort you.

"It's okay." She said and rubbed your back. "I'm here with you. I know it's horrible but let it all out. I've got you."

You coughed a couple of times in between, the taste on your tongue so gross and so nauseating that it made you sick every time you thought, or hoped, you were done vomiting.

You found comfort in Jihyo, as always.

As miserable as you feel and as agonizing the things that come along with being pregnant can be, you know you'll get through it with her by your side.

She was comforting you with her sweet voice, her encouraging words, and the feeling of her nails brushing along your back as your stomach turned again and again.

And she didn't stop until you finished throwing up and knew for sure that your stomach had finally settled enough to where you could go back to bed and get some rest.

You flushed the toilet and put your head on Jihyo's shoulder.

"I hate this."

"I know. I'm sorry for everything you're going through. But it's going to be worth it in just a few months."

"I know." You said and stared up at her. "I'm looking forward to that day."

"Me too." She smiled.

"Can we go back to bed? I'm exhausted."

"I know you are, my love. C'mon, let's go to bed and go back to sleep."

She helped you stand up and watched you rinse your mouth out before she helped you back to bed.

She helped you lay down and tucked you in. You closed your heavy eyes right away and started to fall back asleep instantly.

She smiled and kissed your forehead before laying down beside you. She covered up with the blankets before she stared at you with stars in her eyes.

Even though you're miserable and she hates seeing it, she's in awe over how strong you are and all that you're going through as every day is one day closer to your baby finally arriving.

"I love you so much." She whispered as she kissed your cheek. "Sweet dreams, my love."

She put her head on yours and closed her eyes before she started to fall back asleep with you.

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