hurt (requested)

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"I'm going to go get the food. You stay here. Okay?" Jihyo said, her bright eyes staring into yours.

"Okay." You agreed and gave her a quick kiss before she grabbed her things and walked out the door, promising to return with the food you ordered for dinner in just a few short minutes.

You planned on sitting right on her bed and continuing to watch the rest of the movie

. But tonight is the very first night you'll be staying the night and although you've been in her room before, you've never had a chance to admire how beautifully decorated it is.

You got up and walked around her room. The pictures she has of her with her family and friends were in frames on tables and a couple on the wall.

It melted your heart to see the one she keeps right beside her bed is of the two of you; sharing a sweet kiss in the city of love when you took your first vacation together a couple of months ago.

You walked over to her perfumes. She didn't have many but her taste in perfume is truly impeccable.

She switches between them, always telling you that she can never decide which is her favorite because they all smell so good.

Your favorite, however, was the one you just so happened to grab first. It was a floral scent, with hints of roses and lilies.

It was heaven and your favorite thing about it was the fact that she wears that one the most; since she knows how much you love it, giving you an excuse to kiss her neck and breathe in the scent.

You continued going through her things like the rest of her perfumes and some cute little decorations she has.

But you came back to that very same perfume. You sprayed it on your wrist and breathed in the scent. You just planned on spraying it once and putting it back on the shelf, but that wasn't what happened.

"Whatcha doing?" You heard Jihyo ask from behind you as her hands fell to your hips.

You almost jumped out of your skin and the bottle of her perfume slid from your hands and shattered on the floor.

"Y/N!" She yelled and you turned around, planning to turn around and give her apology after apology to tell her how truly sorry you were.

But you moved the wrong way and when you turned you moved your foot and you stepped on a few small shards of glass on her floor.

"That was my favorite!" She yelled, unaware that you were hurt in the midst of her frustration. "What am I going to do? You're so clumsy!"

She huffed and looked at you as she started to calm down.

"Ow, ow," you gasped and Jihyo realized that something was seriously wrong.

She looked down at your foot, noticing the blood falling onto the floor.

"You stepped on it?! Let me see!"

She carefully guided you to her bed and had you sit on the edge before she ran into the bathroom to grab a cloth. She looked at your foot, wincing when she saw it.

"We should go to the hospital."

You groaned at the very thought, but there was no fighting it. The pain, the blood, and the look of fear and worry in her eyes were enough to make you agree.

She helped you to the car, carrying you out there so you wouldn't have to limp.

She made you keep the towel around your foot, just in case. She got you inside and they took you back immediately, checking your foot to make sure you didn't need stitches.

Thankfully, it wasn't that bad and you went home a little while later with some bandage wrap around your foot and a lecture from the doctor to make sure you take it easy for the next few days while your foot heals, although you can do little things on your own no problem.

"Jihyo, you heard the doctor. I'll be alright. You don't have to carry me everywhere." You giggled as she gently put you into bed.

"I know, but I want to. I feel bad about the entire thing.,"

"Don't be. I'm the klutz that shattered your perfume, which I'm truly sorry for."

"Don't be sorry. It's alright. You stay right here. I'm going to clean that up and then I'm going to order delivery and we're going to eat and cuddle for the rest of the night."

"Okay." You smiled and she gave you a quick kiss before taking care of the glass on the floor.

She made sure it was all up before returning to your side. She ordered from your favorite place and then laid down next to you, letting you curl up into her arms right away.

"Want to watch a movie?"

"Yes!" You answered excitedly and she handed you the remote.

You turned on the movie before curling up closer to her, laying your head right on her chest.

"I love you. I'm sorry for getting so upset with you."

"Let's just put that behind us."

"Okay." She nodded and gave you another kiss before pulling you a little closer.

Jihyo Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now