telling her that you're pregnant (requested)

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"There you are!" Jihyo grinned as she walked into the bedroom. "I was looking for you."

You stretched out in bed and stared at her with tired eyes.

"Still in bed? Are you still not feeling well, darling?" She asked as she came to your side and put her hand on your forehead. "I know you've been throwing up over the last couple of days but you're still not running a fever."

She was frowning. You could see the worried look in her eyes. You understood why she was so worried. In fact, you felt just as worried until just this afternoon.

You both had the suspicions that you're coming down with some kind of flu.

Between the vomiting throughout the day for the last day or two and the constant fatigue you feel, as well as the hot flashes that are so intense that Jihyo can't turn off the air in the house unless it's in the early hours of the morning, where she can open up the window to let the cool air in from outside.

It makes her have to curl up with a bunch of blankets but it brings you relief, so she happily does it for you.

However, you found out today that you're not sick with the flu.

But something that was actually exciting, the beginning of a very exciting journey that you and Jihyo get to embark on together.

"I know I'm not feverish. I actually figured out why I'm sick."

"You did? Why didn't you call me at practice and tell me? You know I've been worried about you. I've been texting you a bunch!"

"Because I wanted to wait until you got home so we could celebrate together."

She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Celebrate? What's to celebrate about you being so sick, silly?" She giggled as she poked your cheeks.

You got up slowly and had her sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Close your eyes."

She sighed but agreed.

"No peeking."

She giggled and the sound melted your heart.

You went into the bathroom and returned a moment later with the pregnancy tests in your hand.

"So, you can tell me if you agree. But these three positive pregnancy tests say that I'm pregnant, so I think that's the cause of my sickness."

She slowly pulled her hands away from her face and gasped when she saw the tests in your hand.

She grabbed them to look at them closer.

She was in awe when she saw the two positive signs and the one that said PREGNANT.

She didn't say anything for a minute and it worried you.

You wanted to know what was going on inside that pretty little mind of hers.

"Jihyo? Baby, are you okay? How do you feel about this? Because your silence is making me a little nervous."

She looked from the tests to you with tears in her eyes. You watched a huge smile tug at her lips before she wordlessly stood up and threw her arms around you.

"Finally!" She grinned. "It finally worked. I'm so happy!"

"Me too." You said as you pulled away from her, staring into her bright eyes as she dropped her forehead onto yours.

You've been trying so hard for this.

You've spoken to a few doctors and went over so many different options of how you could start your family together.

It took a few tries of this particular way, but it worked and the results were bringing Jihyo to tears.

"This is so exciting!" She grinned before she let you go for a second, just to put the tests down onto the table, before returning to your side.

She put one of her hands on your stomach as she rested her forehead back on yours.

"Our baby is in there." She smiled brightly.

"I've been thinking about it all day, ever since I found out. It's amazing to think about how small they are right now and how big they'll get soon."

"It's going to be so beautiful. I'm excited! I'm going to be by your side every step of the way. I won't miss a single thing."

"I know you won't, baby. I know we've both been wanting this for so long."

"It's finally happening." She said before kissing your lips. "I love you, beautiful girl."

"Love you too." You said and kissed her once more before putting your cheek on your shoulder.

"And you in there, I love you too. Very much already." Jihyo said as she ran her hand along your stomach.

You kissed her shoulder, smiling against her soft skin.

You knew this journey was going to be amazing with her there by your side and you knew already that she was going to be such a wonderful mother.

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