you want her attention

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Her eyes lit up as soon as she heard your voice from the sofa across the room. She finished hanging up her sweater and then kicked off her shoes before rushing over to you and falling down on the cushion beside you.

She happily pulled you into her arms and let out a sigh in your ear; one that told you that she was just as happy to be home with you as you were to have her home.

She left early this morning; like she's been doing for the last few days. She's been heading home late, working hard and pouring out her heart and soul into everything she and the girls have been up to lately.

But today was different. She was home a bit earlier, with a couple of hours to spare before the night would come and the exhaustion would really hit and you'd head up to bed.

"I missed you!" You said as you kissed her cheek, watching her eyes light up again.

"I missed you too." She said.

You were about to ask if she was up for doing anything tonight when she fell back against the back of the sofa and dug into her back pocket to pull her phone out. You watched as she put in her passcode and then started to scroll through her socials.

You didn't mind. She works hard and she deserves time to do as she pleases like everyone else gets to.

But your time with her has been limited lately and you're craving lots of attention and love from her. You just want to hold her and be held by her. You miss the taste of her lips and the touch of her hands. You miss feeling her heartbeat against your chest and hearing her laugh as her favorite shows and movies play.

"Jihyo?" You called her name; voice soft and sweet.

But she didn't seem to hear you. Her focus was on her phone and the posts she's stumbled upon and the messages the girls are sending him, making her giggle happily.

You loved the sound. It was like music to your ears. Your heart filled with joy.

You brushed your fingers through her hair and pulled at the hem of her shirt, desperate to get her attention and to spend time with her.

"Jihyo," You whined and tapped her shoulder, tugging at the hem of shirt again and poking at her sides playfully, causing her to throw her head back with a laugh.

"Jihyo," You whined again, this time as you tried not to laugh as you continued to poke her sides and she squirmed and giggled happily.

"Yes?" She chuckled as she put her phone on her lap and pushed your hands away.

"I've missed you like crazy lately. I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time together tonight? Since you're home earlier than you've been the last couple of days."

"Aren't you just the sweetest." She cooed as she wrapped you in her arms and pulled you onto her lap. "You've just been missing me?" She teased with bright eyes. You nodded and she caressed your cheek. "Good. Because I've been missing you too. I'd love to spend some time with you, honey. I miss that. Anything special you wanna do?"

You shook your head and then laid it onto her chest. "No. I just wanna be with you."

She buried her lips in your hair and planted a lingering kiss there. "Okay. Movie night it is!" She cheered excitedly and you nodded in agreement, lifting your head to give her a kiss before laying your it back down and closing your eyes to cherish the sound of her heartbeat and the excitement you both feel about spending some much-needed time together.

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