did you know? (requested)

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"Hello, everyone!" You cheerfully said as you watched the comments from your fans flood in.

It's late at night, almost one am, and you just finished your long day spent doing interviews, photo shoots, recording, and a few other things in between.

Being a soloist isn't easy at times but even on your busiest days and latest nights, you always try and interact with your fans as much as possible to show them your gratitude and love.

"It's been a long day but I missed you all and I wanted to say hello to you all!" You said as you watched the hearts appear all over your screen. "How was your day? Tell me how you're all doing!"

You watched the comments, reading through as many of them as you possibly could.

If there's one thing that people know about you, it's that you genuinely love and care about your fans.

It's something that you've felt since your debut and it's one thing that'll never change.

So you took your time reading each comment, taking genuine care in them.

Some told you that their day was good, others said their day was rough.

A few weren't feeling well physically and a few weren't feeling well mentally but you were quick to blow kisses to the camera and encourage them as best as you could.

"I love you all so much. Never forget that." You smiled.

In return, they commented sweet emojis and messages, telling you the same thing.

But one specific comment caught your attention.

"Did you hear about Jihyo?" You read aloud. "With how busy I've been? No!" You chuckled. "What's going on with Jihyo?"

Park Jihyo.

Your very best friend.

You've known her for a while now and you're as close as can be... but you don't feel the way you once did for her.

You don't see her as a friend anymore. You have feelings for her now and you have for quite some time.

You find joy in her smile and her laugh and her touch when she holds your hand or holds you in her arms when you need a shoulder to cry on brings you so much comfort.

She's the most beautiful girl that you've ever seen and you're crazy about her, finding yourself wishing every day that she was yours.

But as you started to get lost in your thoughts and feelings for her, another comment from the same person appeared.

"It came out today that she and Kang Daniel are dating!" The comment read.

Your heart sank as it sank in that Jihyo was with someone.

Someone that's not you.

You didn't want anyone to see the sadness and heartache that you felt because you're not public with your sexuality or your feelings for Jihyo and you don't want people to assume or start things.

So you swallowed the lump in your throat and forced a smile.

"Oh, did it?" You asked with a small chuckle. "That's wonderful."

'Did you know that they're together?' Another commenter said.

"No... I had no idea." You said as tears stung your eyes.

You blinked them away so no one would see.

"That's amazing. I'm so happy for them." You said as you faked another smile. "I'll have to text her tomorrow and talk to her because I'm just so... happy," You said, sighing sadly.

Staring at your lap, you tried to contain your emotions and hold yourself together.

"I'm so sorry to cut this short but I have to be up in a few hours and I'm exhausted so I'm going to rest. I love you all and I'll talk to you all soon! Bye!"

You turned the vlive off before putting your phone aside.

Once you were alone without the rest of the world looking in and watching you, you curled up under your blankets and sniffled as a couple of tears fell from your eyes.

If only you had been able to tell Jihyo how you truly feel before this happened.

If only you hadn't felt so afraid of ruining your friendship or losing her completely.

For now, all you can do is be supportive of your best friend and hope that, maybe, someday, you'll be able to confess your feelings for her without losing her.

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