she finds you crying (requested)

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"You seem down today. Is everything okay?" Jihyo asked as she hugged you a little tighter as you lay in bed together.

You were curled up in bed with her. It's early in the afternoon and with nowhere to be, neither of you have gotten out of bed for much so far today.

Jihyo was feeling grateful that she has the day off to spend with you because you seem off today, looking and acting quite sad, and she was worried and willing to do anything she can to try and cheer you up.

She's trying to get you to open up to her but you haven't spoken much today.

"You can talk to me about whatever is on your mind. You know that, right?"

You just shook your head wordlessly.

"Okay." She sighed and kissed your head lovingly. "How about I go and find a takeout menu and we will get some food. I know you're hungry, your stomach is growling." She teased and hoped she'd get a smile or giggle in return, but you just nodded.

She let you go and started to walk out of the room only to stop and look back at you with worried and sad eyes.

"I'll be back in a few." She said and walked out of the room before heading down the stairs.

You sat up in bed, scooting towards the edge before you hung your head.

Your heart was hurting even more now that you know just how worried you're making her, knowing that you're making her just as sad as you feel.

You don't want to tell her about what's going on.

You know she's got so much on her plate right now and you don't want to make her feel worse by telling her everything that you're dealing with.

Instead, you grabbed your phone got out of bed before you went into the bathroom.

You sat on the floor and pulled your knees up to your chest before unlocking your phone.

You opened twitter once more and found that the comments and messages people were sending you seemed to be even more hurtful now, getting under your already thin skin.

The tears in your eyes first appeared when Jihyo sent you that worried gaze but now they're even more intense, quickly streaming down your cheeks.

You didn't try to keep your cries quiet at first, because Jihyo was still downstairs.

But a few minutes later, when she returned to the bedroom, you covered your mouth and tried to keep quiet so she wouldn't hear you and worry even more.


You jumped when you heard her knocking on the bathroom door and calling out your name.

"Baby? Are you okay?" She asked and waited for you to respond.

But speaking was hard when there was a lump in your throat and tears still falling down your cheeks.

She turned the knob and since it was unlocked, she peeked inside.

When she saw you crying on the bathroom floor, she threw the door open the rest of the way and rushed to your side before pulling you into her arms.

"What's wrong, my love?"

You still couldn't speak. You couldn't even find the words to say if you could.

Instead, with shaky hands, you slowly put your phone on the floor and she took it in her hands right away.

"Oh, baby," she frowned as she read through some of the tweets, seeing the hurtful words that people were sending you and the names people were calling you. "This is what's been bothering you?"

You nodded and she locked your phone before pulling you into her comforting embrace.

"I understand." She said. "But, baby, all of these things people are saying about you are so untrue."

"I don't feel good about myself anymore." You confessed and Jihyo's heart shattered over your words.

"I know it's hard when people say such terrible things about you. You feel discouraged and sad and, sometimes, worthless, right?"

She was only speaking from personal experience. She knows how you feel. She's been there so many times before.

And when you nodded, she held you tighter and closed her eyes to try and fight back the tears she felt over how much it broke her heart to see you hurting so terribly.

"I get that. But those people saying those things don't know you; not the way I do. Not the way the girls do, or your family does, or mine. The people that are important in your life, the ones that matter most, love you so much it's inexpressible, y/n. You might not feel it when people are saying so many awful things, but you're very loved. That I can promise you."

You sniffled and looked at her with teary eyes.

"Those people on the internet, those cowards that hide behind their screens, the people that say those things to you are jealous and bitter. Don't let their words get to you. They could not be further from the truth. They do not, even in the slightest, define who you are. You are perfect."

You shook your head with a chuckle.

"In my eyes, y/n." She said as she cupped your cheeks, wiping away her tears. "People can disagree. But to me, you are perfect. You're kind, you're selfless, you're so funny. You make everyone so happy with that beautiful smile and that sweet, happy laugh that I adore so much!"

You giggled as she tickled your sides.

"See? I love that sound. Even though we've been together for over a year, it still makes my heart flutter."

You smiled a little as you put your forehead on hers.

"Forget about the miserable people online. They've got nothing better to do than be hateful. Don't let them get to you. You're so much better than them, and they know that."

"I love you so much." You sniffled.

"Baby, I love you too." She smiled. "I love everything about you; every single thing. So, no more tears. Let me hold you and watch movies with you for the rest of the day. I ordered food and it'll be here soon. We'll enjoy our time together and forget about all of these people."

"Okay." You said and cracked a smile as she gave you a few sweet kisses.

When she pulled away, she took your hand and pulled you off of the floor, and then hugged you from behind as you took every step together as you walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

You laid down in bed, legs tangled with hers as you laid your head on her chest and cuddled under the blankets together, forgetting about everyone else as she made you feel better again; as she always does.

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