talking to her family about proposing to her (requested)

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"Dinner is almost done, girls." Jihyo's mom smiled.

"Okay. I'm going to go wash up real quick." Jihyo said and kissed your cheek softly before walking away.

You watched her walk down the hall to the bathroom and heard the door close before you looked at her parents and her sisters.

"Can I talk to you all about something?" You asked Jihyo's parents.

They both dropped everything and looked at you, looking almost worried as they did so.

"Of course. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, fine." You said with a nervous smile. "Actually better than fine. Everything's... perfect."

Her whole family was looking at you and watching as your smile changed from nervous to genuinely happy and bright.

"I just wanted to discuss something with you all since you're so close to Jihyo and this is a big decision."

"Okay. We're all ears." Her dad said.

You took a deep breath before speaking.

"I'm going to propose to Jihyo."

Her parents gasped and her sisters grinned from ear to ear.

"Propose!?" One of her sisters shouted excitedly.

"Shh!" You shushed and listened to make sure Jihyo hadn't come out yet. "Yes, I'm going to propose to her."

"Oh, that's so great!" Her mom said as she clapped her hands in excitement. "When? How? Do you have a ring yet?"

"Not yet and I haven't decided how I'm going to do everything just yet but I wanted to talk to all of you about it before I did it."

"Well, we're supportive of this, you should know that." Her dad replied before smiling.

"I knew it!" Her other sister exclaimed. "I knew, someday, you and Jihyo would get married. I knew it from the minute she introduced you to us!"

"So did we." Her mom happily said. "I knew it right away from how she talked about you and how she looked at you. She's so in love with you. I've never seen her like this before."

"She's happier than we've ever seen and so, so in love. I know she'll say yes." Her dad said.

"You really think so? I mean, I do too but those thoughts keep popping into my head. I'm nervous."

"That's understandable." One of her sisters said.

"I can promise you though, there is no way that she'll say no. She's going to be over the moon about it!" Her mom grinned.

"Jihyo will be so happy!" Her sister replied.

"Happy about what?" Jihyo asked.

You gasped and jumped over her sudden appearance.

She put her hand on your back with a frown.

"Did I startle you, baby? I'm sorry."

"It's okay." You said. "Did you hear any of that?"

"Any of what?" She asked as her eyebrows furrowed.

"Nothing." You answered, seeing that she genuinely had no idea what you were talking about. "Nothing. It's all good."

"Okay." She chuckled. "Is dinner done?"

"It is." Her dad spoke. "Just in time."

Jihyo sat down at the table, pulling the chair out beside her for you to sit in.

You locked eyes with her parents who grinned from ear to ear, more than happy and supportive of your decision to ask Jihyo to marry you.

And you'd do it soon... very soon.

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