you give her a promise ring (requested)

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"What a day." Jihyo sighed as she finished brushing her short damp hair.

She just finished taking a shower, needing one after spending a long day in practice.

She was feeling stressed and although the warm shower that she took helped her feel a little better, she didn't feel one-hundred percent perfect still.

But with you by her side, she knew she was bound to be smiling from ear to ear in just moments, and that smile wouldn't fade until you fall asleep together hours from now.

"I know how to make you feel better." You said and she set the brush down before looking at you in curiosity.

"How so?"

You were biting at your lip, looking a little nervous, and she noticed.

"What is it?"

You took a deep breath before reaching into the drawer of the table beside your bed and Jihyo impatiently and excitedly waited to see what it was.

Upon seeing the velvet box, her heart began to pound, and when your eyes met you knew what she was thinking.

"It's a promise ring."

She hadn't thought that.

At first, she thought it was an engagement ring, and though the thought made her excited it wasn't something you were ready for just yet.

"I wanted to surprise you with it on our anniversary but that feels like it's forever away."

"Baby, it's about a month away." She chuckled.

"Feels like forever when I'm so antsy and so excited to give this to you."

Her heart fluttered at your sweet words and when you pulled the ring out from the box and she saw that your initials, as well as hers, were engraved into the ring, it warmed her heart immensely.

"Baby, it's so pretty." She said as she stared at it in awe.

"Just as you are." You said and watched as her eyes sparkled. "I love you lots. I know we're not quite ready for marriage yet but I know, one day, we will be. Until then, I want you to have this. It's a promise from me to you that someday, we will spend forever together. I promise that I'll always love you."

"Oh, baby," she grinned as you slipped it onto her finger and then kissed her softly.

"I promise to always be here for you and take care of you."

"I love you so much." She whispered as she put her lips on yours again. "This is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me. I love it so much and I love you."

"I love you too, baby." You smiled before bringing her hand to your lips, giving her finger where her ring was a sweet kiss.

She hugged you tightly as she closed her eyes, swearing that she was the luckiest person on earth to have you and to love you.

And just as you promised, someday, that day will come.

Because you're the only one for her.

It's only a matter of time until you take that step together.

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