she starts to show (requested)

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"Good morning, my love!" You happily spoke as you exited the bathroom, finding Jihyo sat up against the pillows on the bed. "How are you doing this morning?"

"Good." She smiled back at you. "I feel really good, actually."

"That's great." You said as you walked over to her and gave her a sweet kiss on her cheek. "Are you hungry? I was thinking of taking you out for breakfast this morning if you're up for it."

"We'd like that a lot." She said as she stretched her arms out over her head.

As she did so, the blankets fell off of her shoulders and onto her lap, and her shirt was rising up her skin, exposing her stomach.

And you couldn't help but gasp when you saw it.

The little bump.

It was small, just barely there, but it was so beautiful.

"You have a bump." You grinned as you climbed onto the bed.

She stared down at her stomach and her eyes lit up when she saw what you saw.

"I do."

You scooted up to where she was before placing your hand on her bump.

Your baby was still too small to move around at all, but that didn't stop you from brushing your fingers against her soft skin and speaking to the little human inside of her.

"You're getting bigger in there." You said before you softly kissed her stomach.

"If you can see it, other people are going to be able to see it. I think we should announce it soon." Jihyo said as she ran her fingers through your hair, giggling quietly as you continued to kiss her stomach.

You wanted to keep things private and secretive from the world as long as possible, since this is a new and exciting journey and one you've both been waiting to embark on for so long.

But she was right.

She was showing now and it was only going to get more difficult to hide her bump from the world.

So, you agreed with her suggestion.

"I think so too." You said as you stared up at her. "It feels so surreal. This whole time so far, it's felt too good to be true. But now, seeing you grow, seeing the little bump where our baby is growing makes it so real."

"I know. I feel the same way." She said. "They're growing bigger each day. Soon, they'll be here with us." She said as she reached down to caress her bump.

"You look so beautiful, Jihyo." You said as you pressed your lips against her cheek. "You're glowing. I'm surprised people haven't figured out that you're pregnant yet."

"They will soon. It's going to be hard to hide the bigger I get." She said. "I'm going to be huge before you know it."

"But still so beautiful." You assured as you kissed her lips. "I can't get over how cute you look. You've got the cutest little bump, baby! Our baby is nestled in there, growing and staying safe and sound while they do so."

She smiled brightly at the sight of you staring at her bump so lovingly.

"I love you both so much." You said. "And I can't wait to meet our baby."

"We love you too." She said before pulling you in for another kiss. "And I can't wait either. But, for now, the baby and I are starving so can we please go get that breakfast you talked about?"

"Of course, my love." You grinned and gave her one more kiss before helping her out of bed.

And as she grabbed her clothes and walked around the room to get ready to go, all you could do was stare at her and her bump, swearing that you'd never been more in love with her.

Jihyo Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now