finding out that you're a little (requested)

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This is my first time writing anything like this. I have a lot more chapters like this coming up as it's a topic that's been highly requested lately.

Please, if for some reason you think negatively about this, do not read or interact with any of these chapters.

If I see any negative comments on my books about littles or little space, I will delete them and possibly even block you. This is a safe place for everyone, no matter what.

Thank you and I love you!


Jihyo let herself into your house using the spare key that you gave her.

She just had a long day and she wanted to surprise you by coming over to spend a little time with you.

She went up the stairs to your bedroom and opened the door with a big smile on her face, ready to surprise you.

But, rather, you ended up taking her by surprise.

She saw that you were on the floor in your room with cartoons playing as you colored in a coloring book.

You had on a pair of pajamas that had strawberries on them and you seemed to be in a little world of your own.

"Y/N?" She asked and watched you lift your head to look at her. "What's going on?"

This was a secret that you kept to yourself.

You have never told anyone before that you're a little and you often regress into little space.

You're always afraid that someone might judge you for it.

You didn't plan on telling Jihyo anytime soon because, well, again, you didn't want her to judge you for the way that you tend to slip into little space quite often.

"Oh, uh," You paused as you got up off the floor.

You didn't know what to say, really.

Since you live on your own, you always feel comfortable regressing.

Having someone intrude on that, even if their intentions aren't negative, made you feel a little less safe.

You took her hand and went to your bed before she sat down beside you.

"I haven't told you something about myself. I honestly haven't told anyone. But since you caught me, I should probably tell you that I'm a little."

She looked a little confused and curious about what you meant by that, so you continued.

"I like to act younger than I actually am."

"I don't want this to come out the wrong way but so, basically, you act like a child?"

"Yeah, sometimes. I don't do it all the time but when I do, it's when I feel safest. I like to put on cartoons or watch shows that I used to watch when I was younger. Sometimes, I build make-believe forts or color. Other times, I just lay in my bed and snuggle up with my blanket in my pajamas. Sometimes, I cuddle up with my stuffed animals."

"Oh." She said as she began to catch on.

"I understand if you don't like it or if you judge me for it but,"

"Why would I judge you?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed. "Baby, if that's something you do, then that's okay. I'm sure a lot of people do it."

"It's pretty common, actually. It makes me feel better. It makes me feel happy and helps me cope with a lot of stuff."

"Okay, I understand." She said as she took your hand into hers. "How can I help support you?"

"Really?" You asked, a little surprised.

"Yeah. If that's something you do and it makes you feel happy and safe, I want to support you."

"Well, you could be like my caregiver." You said. "If you want to, you could rock me and call me sweet names or tell me how little I am. That would probably make me feel better."

Jihyo being the loving and accepting person that she is didn't see anything wrong with you or what you do.

She cares about you more than you'll ever know and if this is something you enjoy and something that makes you feel better, all she wants to do is love and support you through it.

"Are you in Little Space right now?"

You nodded.

"Okay. Lay back."

You laid down on your bed and she laid down with you before pulling you into her arms.

She rocked you a little, as you told her to do, and began to say soft things to you.

"You're so small and precious, baby." She said as she kissed your head. "So innocent and sweet."

Her voice was soft, her words so sweet.

And you felt safe enough to regress once more.

"Is this your favorite cartoon?"

You nodded.

"It's pretty cool."

"It's so good. It makes me feel relaxed."

She smiled as she stared at you.

Seeing you so at peace and so relaxed made her feel happy.

She wasn't going to judge you for this, not ever.

Instead, she supported you and let you stay in your safe little space.

"Do you have anything that needs to be done around here? I can handle the adult stuff for a while."

"Thank you."

She smiled and kissed your head, thinking you were just so sweet and adorable.

"Am I doing it right? Am I helping?"

You nodded and continued to watch your cartoons as she held you.

She brought the blanket up a bit, letting you snuggle into it, as well as the stuffed bear that was nearby.

She'd let you stay just like this for as long as you needed to and she'd be sure to handle everything that needed to be done.

As long as you're safe and happy, then that's all she cares about.

Jihyo Imagines (gxg)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora