tell me you love me

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Your laughter echoed through the room, filling your girlfriend's heart with so much love and joy that she wondered if it would just burst right from her chest.

Her fingers moved across your stomach and sides, occasionally moving along your ribcage and the soles of your feet. You squirmed underneath her, trying to push her away but she had your hands pinned back with her free one, as the other one tickled you mercilessly.

"Jihyo!" You laughed, although you certainly didn't want to. "Quit it!"

"Nope." She grinned, looking into your eyes with her big, bright ones. She couldn't help but remember the sadness that had previously clouded yours and the frown that seemed like it just wouldn't fall from your lips. Your sadness seemed to stem from out of nowhere and you were unwilling to open up to her about it, so she was determined to change your mood in other ways if you didn't wanna talk about it.

And, so far, it seemed to be working.

"Are you happy now?" She wondered with a giggle, pausing for only a moment to see what your answer was.

"Maybe." You shrugged your shoulders, smirking to yourself as you tried to move out of her arms.

Maybe wasn't the answer she wanted to hear. So, her fingers resumed moving along your skin, tickling your feet and sides the most.

"Okay, yes! I'm happy now," You yelled through your fits of laughter. It was true. The smile on your face was unbreakable. Even if she was to stop now, which you hoped she would, your smile still wouldn't fall. She always knows how to make you smile again and when you need it most.

"That's good." She smiled, leaning down to brush her lips across your forehead as she continued to tickle you. "Want me to stop?"

You nodded quickly, laughter still falling from your lips.

"Then tell me that you love me first!"

Your laugh seemed to grow louder and harder as she started to kiss across your face too.

"Okay! Love you."

Your words were music to her ears. Her hands moved from your feet to rest beside your head. She dropped her forehead against yours, looking into you with a look of love in her eyes. Your heart beat a little faster and she could feel it against her own, making butterflies soar through her chest and her heart fill with joy.

"Now. Was that so hard?"

You giggled and playfully pushed at her shoulder before looping your arms around her neck and kissing her cheek.

"Say the words back before I turn the tables on you and get my revenge." You warned, smirking as her eyes went wide.

She shook her head with a laugh. "Love you lots." She spoke softly.

You nodded and sighed as she kissed your forehead, lips lingering over your skin. Your happiness was back and with Jihyo there with you, you knew the sadness you once felt wouldn't be returning anytime soon.

Jihyo Imagines (gxg)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora