perfect (requested)

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You let out a nervous breath as you stood in front of the door.

Tonight, you're picking Jihyo up from the dorm to go on your very first date together and to say you're nervous is a major understatement.

You like her a lot and the last thing you want to do is mess up somehow, so you're hoping that tonight goes well.

You took a deep breath before you knocked on the door.

"Hello!" Someone greeted you as the door opened. "You must be Y/N! I'm Chaeyoung."

"Nice to meet you!" You smiled.

"Y/N!" Jihyo smiled as she appeared at the door. "Hi."

"H-Hi." You stuttered, amazed by how good she looked. "You look so beautiful."

"Thank you!" She grinned. "I see you've met Chaeyoung."

You nodded happily.

"I'll introduce you to the other girls another day, they're all off doing their own thing right now. But I'm happy you two met."

"Me t-too." You stuttered again.

"Are you ready to go?"

You nodded and took her hand before she walked out the door and you led her to the car.

"Have fun, you two!" Chaeyoung smiled before closing the door to the dorm.

You drove off to a beautiful restaurant and stepped inside with Jihyo's hand wrapped in yours all the way to the table.

"Thank you!" Jihyo smiled as the hostess sat you down and gave you both a menu before walking away.

You sat nervously across from Jihyo and feeling your eyes on her, she looked over at you.

"What is it, pretty girl?" She asked.

"N-Nothing." You said.

"I can tell it's something. Come on, tell me."

"I have something to confess."

"Okay." She said and closed her menu to give you her attention.

"I have a stutter and autism." You said. "I was nervous about telling you but I wanted to come clean before we got too serious, just in case it changes things." You stuttered.

You stuttered over almost every word and though you felt a little embarrassed about it, Jihyo found it extremely endearing.

"Hey," She said softly. "Nothing you say or do could ever change how I feel about you and definitely not something like that. It's not something you can control and it's not something to be ashamed about. It's part of who you are."

"I don't always like it though." You said.

"That's alright, it's understandable. But, maybe, with me being part of your life, perhaps that'll change and you'll be able to love yourself a little more."

"Maybe." You said with a smile pulling at your lips.

"But, regardless, just know that I like you and care about you a lot and that doesn't change anything. You're perfect just the way you are. You having a stutter and autism doesn't change a thing between us. Okay, beautiful?"

"Okay." You smiled.

"Thank you for being honest with me and for opening about it. You can always tell me anything and I'll never judge you. I promise."

She kissed your hand and you began to look over the menu together, happy that you got that off your chest and that Jihyo was so kind and understanding.

And you couldn't help but wonder already how on earth you ever got so lucky.

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