talking to her family about proposing to her - part two (requested)

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You took a deep breath and clapped proudly as you watched Jihyo from backstage.

Today is the last day of promotions for her solo and to say that you're proud is a major understatement.

You feel as though there are no words to express just how proud you feel when it comes to all she's accomplished with her solo.

You've never been prouder.

As she started to head backstage after taking a moment to wave to her fans and blow them some kisses, her staff prepared to welcome her with kind words and gifts.

And as lovely as their gifts for her are, you think you have the best one of all.

"Thank you!" Jihyo grinned as she was showered with love when she came backstage. "Thank you all so much!"

She bowed to her staff with the brightest and happiest smile on her face.

But as soon as she saw you, she ran to you and threw her arms around you to hug you tight.

"Congratulations, baby. I'm so proud of all you've accomplished with your solo. You deserve the whole world." You told her before you kissed her softly.

"Thank you, baby!" She happily said.

"I have a surprise for you." You said.

"You do? What?" She asked as her eyes sparkled and a curious expression appeared on her face.

"I've been thinking of doing this for some time now. I talked to your parents and your sisters about this already and I've been dying to do it but I figured now would be the best time."

"What do you mean, baby? What are you up to?" She asked with a chuckle.

You took a deep breath and then stared into her beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you, Jihyo."

"I love you too, baby." She smiled.

"I'm in love with you... so in love with you. I've been so proud to be able to watch you shine throughout the years we've spent together. Even though you've always been so busy, you always make time for me, for us. You make me so happy, happier than I ever thought I could be. You're all I've ever wanted and dreamt of and I never want to let you go."

"Oh, Y/N," She said as her eyes started to fill with tears of happiness. "You know I feel the same way about you."

"Jihyo... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old with you and keep falling more and more in love with you every single day. So..."

You got down on one knee and pulled the ring out of your pocket, making her gasp.

"Will you marry me?"

Her staff was all around you, taking pictures and videos for you both to look back on in the future.

"Yes!" Jihyo screamed in excitement. "Yes, yes, yes! I want to marry you more than anything."

You sighed in relief before standing up.

You put the ring on her finger and she gazed at it in awe before looking into your eyes.

"It's so pretty."

"Just like you, baby." You said before kissing her. "I love you so much."

"I love you too!" She said before she threw her arms around you.

People cheered and applauded as you and Jihyo held each other and basked in the moment.

"We have to tell the girls!" She said. "And our families. Oh, I'm so excited!" She grinned.

"Me too. I can't wait for you to be my wife." You said as she pulled away, letting you bring her hand with her ring on it to your lips for a loving kiss.

You couldn't wait to tell the whole world, wanting to shout the news from the rooftops that Jihyo was yours forever, and you were forever hers too.

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