we'll try again soon (requested)

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This chapter contains possibly triggering content as it revolves around a very sensitive topic. If that makes you uncomfortable, please don't read this.


"I'm so sorry." The doctor said as she stood up. "I'll give you two a few minutes alone."

She exited the room, closing the curtain behind her to give you and Jihyo some privacy.

The news you just received doesn't feel real.

The baby that you once carried safely inside of you, the one that you and Jihyo have been so excited to meet in only a few months, is no longer nestled safely inside of you.

Because you just found out that you miscarried.

You had the feeling that this was going to be the outcome of the situation the second you started bleeding back at home.

But hearing the words leave the doctor's lips as she confirmed your' and Jihyo's worst fear made you feel numb.

You looked at Jihyo, who sat on the chair beside the hospital bed and stared down at her lap through the blur of her tears.

"Jihyo?" You sniffled and watched her lift her head to stare at you. "Are you alright?"

She shook her head wordlessly.

"Me neither." You said before exhaling shakily. "I'm so sorry."

"Sorry?" She asked as she looked back up at you. "Why are you sorry?"

"Because I was meant to keep them safe as they grew inside of me and I didn't do a very good job at that." You explained through your tears.

Seeing you blame yourself for what happened didn't surprise Jihyo because you're always hard on yourself.

But it did shatter her already broken heart even further.

"Scoot over." She said and you moved across the hospital bed for her to climb in beside you.

You curled up to her and cried, feeling as though everything was crumbling down around you.

It almost felt like the world was no longer spinning and your heart ached so badly as your life and dreams fell apart.

"It's not your fault." She whispered as she kissed your head. "It's no one's fault. It just happened, honey. It's horrible but there's no one to blame, especially not yourself."

The words were hard to hear though you knew they were true.

"I had so many hopes and dreams for them." You sniffled. "We've gone shopping. We were picking out names. We were supposed to find out the gender soon. I thought we were going to have a family together."

"We will soon, baby. Just not right now." She said as a tear fell down her cheek. "Trust me, darling. My heart hurts just as much. I had so many hopes for them too and I was so excited to watch them enter the world and grow up."

She paused as a lump appeared in her throat.

"One day, we'll have that. We'll try again soon, I promise. But for now, all we can do is try and heal. That's going to take us a lot of time."

"We have to tell the girls and our families..." you said as it hit you that they'd all be grieving over this loss too.

"We'll do that soon. For now, just lean on me and let out all the tears you need to."

You buried your face in her chest and sobbed, letting the tears fall from your eyes and against the fabric of her shirt.

You'd lost your precious little angel, the one you and Jihyo have been trying so hard for.

You wouldn't ever meet them.

You wouldn't see them grow up.

The dreams you'd had for them wouldn't ever come true, all because fate wasn't on your side and it just wasn't meant to be.

"We'll have a baby soon, someday. We will try again. We're not going to give up on this. We will have a family together, I promise. Don't lose that hope. For me, okay?" She cried as she held you close.

You knew it would take some time before that day would come as recovering from this wouldn't be easy.

For now, you needed to grieve.

Your heart has to heal, as does Jihyo's, and that's all you can focus on for now.

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