you're scared of needles (requested)

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"I feel like I'm going to pass out. Jihyo, I'm really scared." You spoke nervously as you watched the door, anxiously awaiting for it to open.

Placing her hand on your cheek, she gently turned your face so your eyes could meet. She saw that your eyes were full of fear and watched as you bit your lip.

"Don't do that, sweet girl." She whispered before brushing her thumb across your lower lip, afraid you'd make it bleed sooner or later. "I know you're scared. But you've got no reason to be. You're not alone. I took the day off so I could come here with you. I've got you."

You leaned into her touch, a shake breath falling from your lips as you began to relax a little.

However, that calmness faded and the anxiousness returned when the door opened. our eyes went huge when you saw the needle in the nurse's hand.

"I don't think I can do this." You mumbled. "Can't we just go home and come back a different day?"

"No. Because you and I both know you'll try to push it off again and again. The flu is spreading terribly, I want you to be as safe as possible. So, I've got to put my foot down on this one, my love. We can go home only after you get the shot."

You whined as the nurse began to wash her hands before drying them off. She picked the needle back up and you let out a shaky breath, your heart beating so fast and so hard against your chest that you thought it might burst.

"Look at me, darling," Jihyo whispered as the nurse began to rub the alcohol swab against your arm.

You had your eyes tightly squeezed shut, your hand shaking in Jihyo's as she tightly held it.

"Y/N," She whispered softly, brushing her thumb across your knuckles. "I'm here with you. Right here."

You opened your eyes slowly and met hers, staring into those big brown orbs as she tried to keep you calm.

"I know you're scared but it won't be much longer until we're out of here. It's just going to be a slight poke and it'll be done. I'll be right here the entire time, just keep holding my hand and looking into my eyes." She encouraged and you did as she said.

You felt the brush of the needle against your skin before it went into your arm and you winced.

"Don't look away. It's okay, my love." She soothed as she watched the nurse begin to pull the needle out before looking back into your eyes.

"All done." The nurse smiled and you breathed out a sigh of relief, putting your head on Jihyo's shoulder.

She let go of your hands and rubbed your back soothingly.

"See, baby? All done. Wasn't that bad, was it?"

"Yes. It was terrible."

She giggled and helped you off of the seat before you walked to the door.

"No more needles, right?"

"Right..." Jihyo paused, her arm wrapped around you as you walked out. "Until next year, when it's time for your next flu shot, baby."

You groaned and put your cheek on her shoulder, already dreading that day coming while Jihyo just laughed and held you tighter.

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