coming out to her as trans (requested)

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Jihyo sat across from you at the table in the restaurant, reading over the menu on the table.

Her eyes wandered across all of the delicious options as she tried to decide which of them sounded the best.

Meanwhile, you could hardly even focus on food because you have a lot more on your mind.

This is your first date with Jihyo.

You met her a few weeks ago and you've fallen hard for each other as you've gotten to know each other more.

But there's one thing you haven't told her, something you're very nervous about.

You bounced your knee and tried to calm yourself down but you only grew more nervous the longer you spent sitting there thinking about it.

So far, from what you know about Jiho, she seems to be a very kind and accepting person.

She doesn't seem to be judgmental in any way shape or form.

But you've thought the same thing about people in the past that you thought you could trust, so you're nervous that she might turn out to be the same way.

"Jihyo?" You said, catching her attention.

"Yeah?" She said as she lifted her head and looked at you.

"I need to tell you something. I'm a little nervous though." You said as you shifted around in your seat.

Jihyo frowned and took your hand into hers from across the table.

"Don't be nervous. You can trust me." She said with a warm smile.

"Okay," You said and took a deep breath. "Well, um,"

She brushed her thumb across your knuckles, still sensing your nerves.

"I have to confess something to you and I'm just hoping you don't judge me for it."

She didn't reply, though she wanted to.

She wanted to calm your worries and make you feel better but she could tell that you were about to speak and she didn't want to interrupt you.

"I'm trans."

Jihyo nodded her head as if she was expecting you to continue.

"And I know it might be surprising. I understand if you don't feel attracted to me anymore but I wanted to tell you before we got too serious, so you didn't think I was hiding something so important from you."

"Baby, you think this could make me feel unattracted to you?" She asked with a confused expression.

"Well... kinda. In the past, things haven't gone so well when I told people this."

"Baby, I'm not like those people." She said. "I don't mind at all. You are who you are and I think who you are is amazing."

She had that soft, warm smile back on her face again.

"I don't care if you're trans, baby. That's who you are and I'm not going to judge you for that."


"Absolutely. You're perfect just as you are. I like you a lot and you being trans will not change that whatsoever."

You began to smile along with her and the sight warmed her heart.

She could tell that you felt an immense amount of relief from her kind, assuring words.

"I'm sorry things didn't go well for you in the past when you've told people. You don't deserve judgment or feeling as though you're unworthy of love and appreciation just because you're different. But, at the same time, it led you to me, someone who will adore you and appreciate you endlessly for the person that you are."

You almost wanted to cry because you've never heard someone react so kindly to you telling them this and it meant everything to you.

"I think you're incredible, Y/N. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently."

"Thank you." You smiled.

"And I promise, if anyone ever talks badly about you just because of you being trans, I will kick their ass."

You chuckled and she did the same.

"Don't be nervous to tell me anything. We're going to be in a healthy and happy relationship and we shouldn't ever be afraid to be honest with each other."

Your heart fluttered over hearing that.

"Now, find something to eat because I am starving." She said and you giggled before nodding your head and looking at the menu, feeling as though you could finally focus now.

And as you looked through all the different food options, Jihyo just stared at you with a bright smile, having found yet another thing about you to fall head over heels for.

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