Chapter 1. Camp And Billy

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I was ecstatic! Wesley Hills Football camp. The top camp on all of Long Island for wanna be star Football Players. Sure, I could have gone to a camp more local to home but this camp was known to produce outstanding players. See, not to toot my own horn or anything but I am already a phenomenal Quarterback. I can't afford to be coached by an underachieving camp and jeopardize my talent.

"We're here!" my mothers voice pierced through my ears breaking me out of my thoughts.

We don't live too far from the camp but far enough away where I knew her overprotective tendencies wouldn't have her visiting daily to "check up" on me. I love my Mother more than anything and it's not that I didn't want her around, but I'm Thirteen now. She fusses over me too much and worries about me daily. She needed this break just as much as I did.

"Are you sure you packed everything you need, Honey?" my Mother turned to me from the driver's side of our Range Rover. Her big blue eyes filled with tears I could tell she was trying to hold back.

"MOM" I replied with a warning but sarcastic tone.


"You have tears in your eyes. Please don't..." I began to plead with her.

"Like you didn't know this was coming? Come on Christian, It's Mom!" my sister's voice from the back seat joined in on the exchange.

With a glance in the rear view mirror my mother chuckled "I'm not sure what it is your insinuating Christina but keep it up and we're not stopping at the outlet mall on the way home"

"You would dare" my sister pursed her lips.

"Try me" my mother warned.

"Back to me PLEASE. As much as I would love to listen to Mom making empty threats and you, Crissy, taking the bait, I need to get going. MOM," I took a deep breath and continued "I know you still have a laundry list of questions and comments so please go on. I would like to start camp before it ends." I concluded with a cheesy smile and my dimples on full display.

My mother mimicked my deep breath and took one of her own. "You know me too well for your own good, Christian." And so she began:

"Again I will ask. Are you sure you packed everything you needed?"

I replied with a quick "yes".

"You know your cabin number, yes?"


"You have all our cell numbers memorized by heart?"

"Yes MOM and have my cell just in case" I rolled my eyes.

"Cell phones can die or break, Christian. I need to know that you can reach us if something..."

I stopped her before she could finish "Nothing is going to happen Mom but if you'd like me to recite yours and dad's numbers to ease your mind they're-"

"No need baby" my Mother interrupted me. "I was just double checking"

"Triple checking" I corrected her.

"Quadruple checking" my sister joined in on the joke with a soft laugh escaping her pouty lips.

I laughed along with her "what comes after Quadruple, Crissy" we both began to tease.

"Ok enough. Haha" my Mother interjected. All jokes ceased as my Mothers turned her attention back to me with a serious look on her face. I knew what else was coming. "Remember Christian, your sexuality does not define you. Be proud of who you are but understand this is a sports camp. Other boys may not be as understanding. Just be careful. That's all I ask" she finished. She gently placed her thumb on my cheek, cupping my defined jawline with the palm of her hand. With the simple gesture, she caressed my check, providing me with her warm motherly love. Then suddenly, she tightened her grip as her eyebrows pulled together in a straight line and her soft blue eyes became hard with a stern glare. "And no fighting!"

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