Chapter 15. Playing nice

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"Hey gorgeous!" Meteo greeted me in an embrace. He pulled back, keeping his hands on my waste.

"Hey." I responded skeptically. "What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to surprise my boyfriend?" He responded with a question and glanced over my shoulder in the direction of the school's front doors.

I looked around at our friends, my current teammates and excused us. I pulled Mateo over to my truck only a few feet from the group but far enough away that they wouldn't be able to hear us.

"Bullshit." I addressed him. "I know exactly why you're here and don't you think this is a bit much?

"Christian, I wanted to surprise you and see some of my old teammates. I kinda miss this place." He lied.

"You're checking up on me, Mateo. Like some type of over possessive neanderthal. Do you not trust me?" I asked.

"Christian, you're being paranoid." He insisted. "I just came to-" Mateo stopped speaking as his eyes broke with mine and moved towards the school doors.

"Took you long enough, William!" I couldn't make out the voice calling to William, who was now walking down the school's cement staircase towards the group.

I glanced down at Mateo. He's a little shorter than me. Not by much but still. It should be noted. His eyes were fixed on William and he looked angry.

"Don't start or say anything, Mateo" I demanded.

"Relax babe. I'm not going to start shit. Let's go say hi though, yea?" Mateo spoke as he grabbed my wrist and started to pull me back over towards our friends.

I'm much stronger than Mateo and he knows it. I also teach self defense classes, I've taken karate and boxing and still box in my spare time. It's a great way to relieve stress. So this show of masculinity Mateo was trying and his tugging on my wrist, was almost laughable. I would have been laughing him off if William and I hadn't just come to somewhat of an understanding... and I didn't need Mateo's jealousy ruining it.

I pulled back from Mateo's grip causing him to fall back a bit. He's lucky I am quick on my feet and caught him before anyone noticed. Last thing I needed was for him to feel embarrassed when he was already acting like a jealous fool.

"Mateo..." I warned. "Stop this right now. If we're going to go over and say hi, you're going to be polite and you won't dare drag me around like I'm some schoolgirl crush of yours. Not unless you want me to pin your ass down on the cement and it won't be in a good way!"

"I love when you talk dirty to me." He teased but I wasn't finding any of this amusing.

I interlocked our hands to comfort him and we made our way over to our friends. As we approached, they had all been talking about a new game that came out but I'm not a big gamer so I couldn't tell you which one. I couldn't even tell you which system they were referring to.

"Who's this guy?" Mateo wasted no time pulling the attention to himself so he may do what he came here to do. I mentally facepalmed myself.

William looked at Mateo and then his eyes fell to our hands. It was getting dark and there was a shadow cast upon his face blocking any chance for me to read his expression.

"What's up? I'm William. Who are you?" William spoke with confidence.

"I'm Mateo. Christian's boyfriend and I used to play with these guys. Center Lineback." Mateo matched Williams' confidence.

The tension was rising and everyone around could feel it. They all knew about mine and Williams' exchange in the hallway earlier that day. They probably assumed I said something to Mateo and now he was here being the hot headed jock he's known to be. He's always had a bit of a tempter but I did not need his protection. I could handle myself and if ever in a situation, it would be me protecting Mateo.

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