Chapter 19. Time to Party

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Catching your boyfriend in bed with someone else should be a devastating sight. One would think you'd go apeshit and become mad with jealousy and anger but I was unfazed. It's not that I expected it in any way. Far from it actually. Showing up to surprise Mateo, I anticipated a glowing reaction and a love filled weekend.

After Mateo heard my voice and stopped plowing the brunette under him, he scurried to cover himself up leaving the girl to fend for herself. He jumped out of bed grabbing a sheet that had been tossed aside during their late afternoon romp. With the sheet in one hand covering his lower half, as if I haven't seen it before, he began picking up articles of clothing and putting them on in a hurry.

"Chri-C-Christian! Wha-what are you doing here?" Mateo's words fell about as flat as the girl's chest he was just screwing.

"Oh. I'm so, soooo sorry to intrude. I came to surprise my boyfriend. Guess I was the one in for a surprise." I was giggling, to be honest.

"Who the hell is he? And who is his boyfriend, Mateo?" The girl has a voice and apparently she was unaware the man she was with was taken. Guess I can't be upset with her.

She had now sat up in the bed and began to get dressed. She didn't seem to be in much of a rush though. Rather, she waited for Mateo to continue picking up her close, one by one off the floor and tossing them to her. She made no attempt to get them herself, get dressed and out of this situation. No, she seemed like she was all in and not very affected by my sudden appearance.

"He's a- he... umm" Mateo was having difficulties responding to the girl.

"Come on, Mateo. Use your words." I encouraged him.

"What the fuck is going on?" Now she was getting mad.

"Hi." I waved to her. "My name is Christian. Mateo's boyfriend of two years." I introduced myself.

"You're a FAG!" She said in disgust, directing her vulgar comment to Mateo.

Oh so she's a homophobic bitch. Nice. This evening is just getting better.

"Stacy!" Mateo snapped. "I think you should leave."

The brunette, now known as Stacey, looked at Mateo with fury in her eyes. She huffed as she finished gathering her things. "Fucking repulsive." She spoke to herself as she made her way to the door.

"You don't have to leave." I stopped her. "I'm on my way out. He's all yours!"

"Christian, please!" Mateo begged.

"I'm out of here." Stacey opened the door and slammed it shut behind her.

I began to laugh again. The situation was just too unreal and for some reason I found it hysterical that Mateo was cheating on me with a homophobe. Go figure.

"You really know how to pick them!" I turned my attention to Mateo.

"Christian. Please. It's not what-"

"It's not what it looks like?" I cut Mateo off finishing his sentence. "Mateo? Really though. That's like the cheater tag line".

"I- I'm sorry, Christian. I don't know what to say, ok!"

"It's fine, Mateo. Really. I'm going to get going." I gave him a side smile and began to turn towards the door.

"Christian. Please don't go. Talk to me. Yell at me. Hit me. Anything! Just don't leave. Please! Mateo begged.

"What's there to talk about?" I remained calm as I turned back to meet Mateo's tearful eyes.

"Why are you so calm?" Mateo asked with pleading eyes. "You're scaring me. Do you just need some time? We can talk later, yes?"

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