Chapter 24. Ducks in a row

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I woke up the next morning with not one body in bed with me, but two. The morning light piercing through the window woke me before any one of my five alarms had gone off. The sight next to me instantly put a smile on my face and warmed my soul.

William was fast asleep with his right arm resting peacefully on my lower back. In between the two of us, tucked protectively under Williams stretched out arm was little Christopher. His back was up against William's side and his face nudged up under my chin. If this is destined to be my future, I am the luckiest man in the world.

Not wanting to wake the two just yet, I cautiously held up the arm William had around us, scooted myself back a bit and gently laid it down on the bed, still embracing Christopher. I crawled down the bed and made my way to the bedside table to turn off each of my five alarms.

"Willimm" I heard Christopher giggle.

"Morning little man." Williams morning voice was euphoric. I had to remind myself that little Christopher was in the room.

"Morning guys." I spoke softly and sat down on the edge of the bed beside William. He turned in my direction laying on his back in bed. Christopher's head popped up from under William's side.

"Chris-tan" Christopher attempted.

"Christ-ian" I corrected.

Christopher giggled and threw himself on top of Williams chest. William smiled at me and wrapped his arms around Christopher.

"Morning handsome." William whispered in my direction.

"Morning." I replied with a smile. William grabbed my arm and pulled me down to meet his lips for a short kiss.

"Hey Christopher?" I rubbed his back, gaining his attention and extended both my arms out. "Come on little man. Let's go find Mommy. Christian and William need to get ready for school."

"No!" He buried his little head deeper into the nook of William's neck.

"Come on you!" I teased as I grabbed him and lifted him up off of William and settled him on my hip. I turned to address William."If you want, there are towels in my bathroom. Top shelf of the pantry as you walk in to your left. Shower up. I can shower downstairs."

He stretched out his arms and yawned. "Can we just stay in bed all day?"

I laughed and made my way towards my bedroom door with Christopher. "Not today. We have school. I'll make sure my Mom knows you're here and there's enough breakfast."

"Bye Willim" Christopher waved as we exited the room.

"See ya soon buddy"

Christian and I were greeted by my Mom already in the kitchen cooking a large breakfast. The smell of eggs, bacon, ham and toast was a welcoming scent. My Mom was still wearing her pajamas with an apron on humming as she made her way around the kitchen.

"Morning Mom." I announced our presence. "I found this little one in my bed." I sat Christopher down in his highchair and began to strap him in. "Oh and-"

"I sent him in there to wake you boys up but he just curled between you two and fell back asleep. I figured it was early and the three of you looked too damn cute so I left you be." My mom continued cooking and humming happy as can be.

"O-Ohh. So you know William spent the night?" I hesitantly asked.

"I found out this morning when I sent Christopher to wake you up before those god awful alarms went off. You know, we have got to find a better solution. You wake the whole house." She casually responded. "I made ham and bacon. I wasn't sure what he would like." She was referring to William and I was still a bit confused.

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