Chapter 38. Leaving

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Graduation came and gone in a blink of an eye. It was bittersweet but our group had managed to make it without any drama or major life catastrophes. Things have been good.

William and I never officially got back together but word of William's sexuality and his televised confession that his heart was taken spread throughout the school rather quickly. Everyone knew he was referring to me and that we were still in love. To outsiders, we were a couple, practically attached at the hip. He spent more time at my house than his own and when he spent the night, he stayed with me, cuddling. It never went any further than sharing a bed and the occasional hand holding though. Really, the only time we didn't see each was when I was providing private self defense lessons or he was in the city working on the Thompson Price Foundation with his Uncle.

William never fought for his rights to the scholarships he had been offered. I tried to press the issue a few times but he would respond that he had the money now to pay his way through school. That it was better the scholarships go to others who needed it more. I thought it was very noble of him but when asked if he had applied to other colleges, he blew me off. He didn't want to speak about it. He said he was too busy focusing on his non-for-prophet and learning from his Uncle.

I was set to start pre-med at NYU at the end of August. It was where my father went and it was right in Manhattan which meant I could visit home as often as I wanted. Maria and Mike would both be attending The New School, which was also in Manhattan. We may or may not have planned it that way. They had decided to take the summer to travel the US. They rented an RV, god help them, and intended on seeing as many States as they could. They had invited William and I but I had other plans, as did William.

"So back to Camp, hah?" William pulled me into his chest as we laid in my bed the night before I was set to leave. I applied to work as an assistant Coach at the camp William and I met. The same place we first said our I love you's, had our first kiss and the first time we made love. I felt it was nostalgic and also part of my self growth. To work and give back. I loved football and kids. I thought it would be a perfect place to reflect on my high school years before I dove into a future as an adult.

"Yup." I turned my torso so I was facing him but still in his arms. "The place has special meaning. It's kind of poetic, no?" I smiled warmly.

"I'm going to miss you." His voice was soft and sincere.

"You'll be right in the city interning for your Uncle. It's an hour and a half away. It's not like I'm going to another state or overseas." It was the truth but in all honesty, we would be seeing very little of each other. If we would see each other at all before I returned to pack for college.

"I'll miss you too." I gave in, acknowledging his point.

Our eyes stayed connected. Fixed on one another. Saying everything we felt and feared without a word spoken. William caressed my face so gently it sent shivers throughout my body. I turned fully so I was now facing him, chest to chest, face to face. My hand resting on his muscular side, he was shirtless and the skin to skin contact was more than I could take. William leaned in and I met him halfway.

When our lips touched for the first time in months, I felt what I had been yearning for these past few months. Him. He was my home. We fit perfectly. His lips were meant for mine and mine for his. The warmth we shared as our bodies touched was like a cocoon, wrapping us in nothing but love.

Needing to take a breath as the kiss became more passionate, filled with need, we broke apart. "I had one of the best nights of my life at that camp." I raised an eyebrow to William as I reflected.

"Really? And what night was that?" William teased.

I fell silent. He took the cue and became more serious. "So did I." He spoke as he kissed me softly again.

A wave of emotions and want overtook my soul, my whole being. We may not have been in a physical relationship but these last few months without the boyfriend label we still maintained a deep-deep emotional connection. One that only grew stronger without the physical contact. But now, my body wanted more. Needed more.

After depriving ourselves for so long, each kiss we shared felt like a sip of water quenching the thirst of a man dying of dehydration. Suddenly I found myself on top of William straddling him. My hands caressing his toned chest, his hands held my waist tight.

I lowered myself to his lips once more but did not let them touch. "Make love to me, William." My lips grazed his as I spoke. The simple action vibrated sensations in the places I had intended.


Saying goodbye the next morning was harder than I thought it would be. Spending the night with William in a way we hadn't in months probably wasn't the best idea. It made me question if I was making a mistake leaving him. Being apart from him yet again when I can feel it in my gut that by his side was the only place I needed to be.

My Mother, as usual, was a mess and tear stricken. My father did his best to console her, reminding her it was just a summer job and I was only 45 minutes away. My sister was, as usual, on her phone unaffected by my departure. She understood I would be back sooner than not.

I placed my last bag in the trunk of my truck. My family looked at each other and then one by one we said our goodbyes. They wanted to leave William and I alone before I left and for that, I was grateful.

Christopher was in William's arms as my Mother was the last to say goodbye to me. William walked to me with Christopher. I grabbed Christopher from his arms, gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek and told him I loved him. I then handed him to my mother who swiftly took him inside before he had time to protest.

"So, this is it." William had his hands in his pocket, his head hung looking down at the floor.

I lifted his chin with my pointer finger meeting his eyes. "Stop making it sound like I'm moving overseas. It's a summer job only a few miles away." I smiled at him but the water collecting in my eyes sold me out. I didn't want to leave him.

As though he knew, his hand cupped my face, catching a single tear as it began to fall. "Hey." He whispered softly. "Don't start that or I'll be a sobbing mess." William smiled and his eyes glistened. The way he looked made me feel whole and again I began to question if I should go. "This is going to be great for you. You'll be around kids teaching something you love. I'm proud of you." William's hand then rested on my shoulder.

"I love you so, so much William. You know that. Right?" I asked, my voice almost panic ridden.

"Of course I do. And I love you so, so much. You know that too, right? He asked in return, his voice much more calm and collected than mine had been.

"My heart's yours. Forever." I declared.

"And mine yours. Forever." He promised as he leaned in and captured my lips.


Camp wasn't the life changing experience I had hoped it would be. Turns out, not all kids are fun and at a certain age, the majority of them are little brats. By the end of camp, I was beginning to understand why the counselors we had four years ago always seemed moody.

William and I have not seen each other since I left. We spoke often but between his internship, the foundation, and my work at the camp, it kept us both pretty busy. Throughout all the calls though, we would always leave off by saying 'I love you' but not once did we discuss what we were. Outside of the I love you's at the end of the call, the calls felt more friendly in nature than anything. I began to wonder if I had indeed made a huge mistake leaving.

Last we spoke was almost two weeks ago. The longest we had gone all summer. He had told me he would try and be home when I arrived. I had just pulled into my driveway and couldn't get out of my seat-belt, out of my car and through my front door quick enough. I needed to see him and tell him how wrong I had been. Yes, we had things we needed to work through but I'm stronger with him. We're stronger together and that's what I wanted. To be together.

"Where's William?" I questioned my sister who was too wrapped up on her phone to have noticed I arrived. Not the welcome home party I was expecting.

She looked up with a huge grin and then jumped from the couch into my arms. "I missed you too, asshole." She belched in my ear. She then pulled back. "But Williams is not here."

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