Chapter 30. How did it come to this?

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Private Message with Christina:

Crissy: You're fucked.

Me: Why? Mom's that pissed?

Crissy: No. Actually it's rather comical.

Me: ???

Crissy: Just come home. Mom called Dad because she didn't know how to handle the Principal calling. Something about punishments. Dad came home and for two very intelligent people, it's like dumber and dumber. Please. It'll make you feel better. Come see.

Me: You're crazy.

Crissy: <3

Sure enough when I arrived home, both my parents sat at the kitchen table waiting patiently for me. Unsure what was the appropriate setting for this conversation, against her will they made Christina take Christopher to the park. Mind you, it's the end of February.

"Christ-" My Father cleared his throat. "Christian, please sit. Take a seat." My father, the heart surgeon, seemed nervous.

I raised a brow and slowly pulled out a chair opposite theirs and sat. "I take it you would like to talk about school today?" My voice for some reason got higher in pitch as I spoke.

My Mom started nodding her head with her mouth half opened. "Yup. Yes. Yes we would, Sweetheart." She paused, clearly thinking something. "I mean Christian Eric Price!" She corrected herself and used a more aggressive tone.

"Really Mom?" I asked. "You're pulling out the middle name?" I tried not to sound humorous.

"Hey!" My father barked. "This is not a laughing matter, Christian. Your Mother and I are very concerned." He glanced at my Mother who just stared in my direction absentmindedly. "Right Theresa?" He snapped my Mother back to reality.

"Yes. That's correct." My Mother acknowledged my Father. "Concerned, Christian."

To their credit, they've never really had to discipline me before. I was always well behaved in school and around adults. The little mischief I did get into like drinking at a party, I knew how to hide. And as crazy as Christina can be, she too is a great student and really is only a problem for the occasional peer that pissed her off and the random stranger who looked at her the wrong way. This was new to my parents. Personally, I think they should be more grateful.

"I know what I did was wrong. I already apologized to the boy." I addressed their concern maturely and accepted responsibility.

"And the girl?" My father asked, his head tilted down so he was looking at me through the shadow of his brows.

Well shit. How do I tell them I haven't apologized to Wendy without explaining why I don't want to? It would sound cruel if I just said I didn't like her. Not that I really know her. I mean could she be innocent in all of this... maybe. Could she actually be a sweet girl trapped in the middle of William's grandfather's evil plot - whatever it may or may not be. There is the possibility but that would mean accepting I was wrong to scream at her and force me to apologize. To William's finance, who could actually be the evil boyfriend stealing bitch I think she is. See my dilemma?

"No. I have not." I dropped my head in thought and some shame.

"I think we have to punish you?" My father questioned.

"The principal said you are to stay home from school for the next two days." My mom followed my dad.

"That's right! Two days. And so, for those two days, you will stay home and help your mother with Christopher. No friends!" My Dad seemed proud of himself.

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