Chapter 11. Liar

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With one hand on the cafeteria door, William stood, clearly caught him off guard. It was now him who was paralyzed, unable to move.

"W-What?" was all he could say in response. I had called him Billy. Well, questioned if his name was Billy without actually asking it.

Eventually, he took his hand off the door and turned to face me waiting for me to respond, but I would not. He was not going to respond to my question with a question.

"I'm sorry but was that directed at me?" He asked and this time I had to respond.

Not wanting to give in and wanting him to come clean and explain himself, I responded with another question making it clear I was onto him. "Billy. Has anyone ever called you Billy?"

"No." He advised me, shaking his head back and forth. "I've had a friend or two call me Will but I quickly corrected them. I'm not really into nicknames."

"I get that. People have tried to call me Chris but I'm no Chris. I am who I am and don't try to be someone I'm not." If he wasn't really Billy that comment may have seemed odd but the look on his face told me he understood what I meant very well.

The two of us stood there in silence, neither of us wanted to lose the staring match we found ourselves in. Why would he not be honest with me? What was he hiding? The longer we stood here looking at each other, both knowing who he was and what we once were together, the harder it became to push aside the hurt I was feeling. I wish I could hold onto the feeling of anger and anger alone but I couldn't. I had waited years to see him. Years to know he was ok and ask what happened that morning in camp. Why was he pretending not to know me?

The look in his eyes told me he was contemplating something. I could only hope he would come to his senses and drop the act but before either of us could speak again the bell rang and students began exiting the cafeteria. We both remained still staring at each other as the doors to the cafeteria swung open again and again, as students passed between us.

When Maria and Mike exited the cafeteria they both noticed me and stepped aside out of the herd of students rushing past. They looked at me, saw I was looking through the passing students into the eyes of another.

"Hey! Christian?" Mike spoke trying to catch my attention.

I knew he was there but I was locked onto Williams... aka Billy's eyes.

It was now the four of us standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. All the students had left and silence fell. An awkward silence, felt most by Maria and Mike. Still in the middle of our staring contest, I raised an eyebrow at William daring him say something... anything! His eyes broke from mine and fell to the chest of my bomber jacket. My eyes traveled down to what his eyes were now fixed on. It was the pride rainbow colored pin he had given me the night we first kissed and he had asked me to be his boyfriend. As if I needed more proof of who he was, he just gave it to me.

I looked back up and into his eyes which look pained now. Was he finally going to admit it and explain himself?

"Ummm... guys?" Maria broke the silence. "You're William, right?" she asked, extending her hand out to shake his.

He took her hand to shake, responding that he was. Liar. And so Mike did the same.

"What class do you have now?" Mike was looking at William as he asked.

"P.E." he responded and I internally cringed. We all had P.E. now.

"Perfect!" Maria cheered in delight. "So do the three of us. We'll walk with you!" Always so nice and polite Maria. Ugh!

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