Chapter 20. Williams story

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"How did you not freak out and want to beat the shit out of him?" William asked in disbelief.

I had just told William the events that had unfolded with Mateo earlier that evening. William had taken me to a rather secluded garden tucked away in the far end of his property. We sat on a small cement bench overlooking a koi pond, the moonlight being our only source of light.

I shrugged. "I didn't care."

"You didn't care that your boyfriend of two years was cheating on you? With a homophobic bitch!" William was sure to add.

"That sounds terrible right?" I half laughed.

"It doesn't sound terrible. I just can't imagine walking in on my partner with someone else and not flipping out." William half laughed with me.

"Mateo and I have been friends for years. When we started dating, it worked at first but after the first year I felt like the relationship was at a standstill... Like emotionally, that is." I paused and looked up into the night sky, pondering. It was difficult to explain to William just how I was feeling when I had only come to some of these realizations myself.

"I loved him like I love a friend but only liked him in a romantic way... if that makes sense." I looked back to William and he nodded that he understood. I sighed. "I don't know. For a while now, I've had this feeling deep down that he and I just weren't meant to be together. Walking in on him tonight confirmed it for me and I felt more relieved than anything. Relieved to know it wasn't just me but he must have felt the same or he wouldn't have cheated... right"? I pitched the question.

"I couldn't even fathom cheating on someone I'm with let alone someone I claim to love." William responded, shaking his head back and forth. "I still would have pounded his ass!"

I looked at William after his last comment to see if he realized how it sounded. When he caught on, the two of us burst into fits of laughter. The sound of his laugh was like music to my ears. The smile he carried was enough to fill my thoughts with anything and everything William.

"Ok. Ok" He attempted to compose himself. "You need to get your mind out of the gutter." He laughed some more.

"So. You and Crissy. She... seems to be over hating you." It was a statement but it was meant to be a question. I wanted to know what brought on the change.

William's posture changed and his laughter died down after my comment. "I couldn't not thank her for what she did at camp. Stealing back my fathers ring from those delinquent counselors."

As if that was enough of an explanation William stopped speaking and I gave him a look that said he had better go on. He understood.

"Yeah... so. I was passing by your place after picking some stuff up for the party and figured it was as good a time as any. So I-"

"Wait!" I cut him off. "You went to my house? Like rang the doorbell and entered my home? Was my mom there?" I was in shock. Not that I cared he was in my house but how did not one of my family members call or text me immediately. And how did they take seeing him? A million and one thoughts ran through my mind and William couldn't answer fast enough.

"Deep breaths, Christian." He was being playful. "Yes. I rang your doorbell and was greeted by your mother. It was an interesting few moments of silence when she first saw me. I think the tears in my eyes brought out her motherly instinct because the moment she saw them her whole demeanor changed. She threw her arms around me and then ushered me inside."

"Tears?" I asked.

"Yes Christian! I haven't seen your mother in ages and seeing her brought back memories and I don't know, I cried a little. Don't judge me!" He nudged me in the side with his elbow.

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