Chapter 33. Turning point

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It was the middle of April and Spring was in full swing. Tulips made their appearance bringing an array of colors to the once barren dirt gardens. The days were warmer with cool evenings. Perfect weather for heavy hoodies or light jackets. It was one of my favorite times of the year and everyone seemed to be in chipper spirits. All except William.

William had become a shell of his former self. He spoke to no one. On the rare occasion you would see him exchange words with Wendy but even she seemed unable to break through the walls he had built. Watching them you would never think they were engaged. Quit the contrary actually. When they did speak or sit with each other, they appeared more like siblings who didn't care for one another much.

It was a Friday afternoon and school had just let out. Rob was throwing a party later that night and invited half the student body. It had been a few months since the last party and so everyone was rushing to get home, ecstatic to get ready in their best spring attire. Christina made an excuse to leave school early so she would have ample time to get ready, leaving me to enjoy a peaceful ride home alone.

As I exited the school, I was surprised to see how little cars remained in the parking lot. It appeared Christina was not the only one that wanted more time to get ready. Walking to my truck, I noticed a familiar figure leaning up against it. "Mateo?" I called out to him, surprised.

He pushed himself to his feet from his leaning position. He was dressed casually in a pair of dark blue jeans, a black cotton long sleeved sweater with his school's logo on the chest and a pair of converse on his feet. He wasn't dressed for a party so he wasn't here for Rob's tonight.

He took a few steps towards my direction and stopped near the trunk of my car. "Christian!" He cheered. "Long time no see." He smiled.

When I approached him we instinctively opened our arms for one another, embracing in a tight hug. "I've missed you." He spoke into my ear. We broke our hug and he took a step back to look at me. "You look good. Rob mentioned you were going through some rough times. You seem ok though."

I pulled my brows together and squinted my eyes. "Rob told you what? He reached out to you?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well no. He called to invite me to his party tonight. I told him I couldn't make it and then I asked about you. He said the last few months you haven't been yourself. He even said you looked like hell."

"Well, that was nice of him to say." I half laughed.

"You look as good as always, Christian." Mateo flattered me. "But I was worried so I figured I would stop by. I wasn't sure if you'd answer my call. I figured this was my best bet to see you."

"I would have answered, Mateo. I'm sorry you came all this way for nothing." I was being playful. I honestly missed him. Despite it all, I still cared for him.

"So you're ok? Been good?" He asked.

I turned and waved for him to follow me to a small bench that sat a few feet from my car. I took a seat and Mateo followed suit. "To be honest, I did have a rough couple of months but things are getting better."

He looked at me skeptically. "I hope." He paused and looked away. "I hope it wasn't because of-"

"It wasn't." I interrupted. "Totally unrelated." He looked back at me relieved. "How are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm ok. To be honest, I miss you. I miss us." He ran his fingers through his hair, nervous for how I might respond.

"I miss you too, Mateo." He smiled at my response. "But not in a romantic way." His smile faded at my words. "I'm glad you stopped by though. It's really good to see you."

What Was Left At CampOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora