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Christian Price was not average. Not in the slightest, and it was evident the day he was born. His Mother claims she was certain he was stillborn as he did not so much as cry or whimper upon delivery. In fact, he spent his first few hours of life in the EU under strict supervision - the Doctors and nurses convinced there must have been underlying medical conditions not evident during their initial exam. But that was not the case. He was fine. More than fine. If infant prodigies existed, little Christian would have been classified as one. He had taken to breast feeding with ease. Adapted to a sleep schedule so reliable his parents never had concerns about restless nights. He was an infant other parents envied.

As he grew, he continued to excel. Potty training was a breeze. He was speaking full sentences by the age of two and reading himself bedtime stories by the age of four. His personality was developing far quicker than children his age. He was outspoken, funny, charismatic, charming, intuitive and had a thirst for knowledge. He was often mistaken as a bit stubborn at times, never questioning any decisions he made or conclusions he would come to despite elders' suggestion to be more open minded. It was undeniable he knew himself better than most adults knew themselves. That's why at the age of Seven when he matter-of-factly told his Mother and Father that he was gay, they didn't question nor choke it up as a passing phase.

Christians Father, Eric Price, was a former college all star athlete. Quarterback for The University of Notre Dame, Eric was destined for the NFL until a car accident left him nearly paralyzed. If you asked Eric about it today he would tell you it was the best thing that ever happened to him. It was during physical therapy that he met his wife, Theresa Price. She was his physical therapist and Eric fell in love the moment he laid eyes on her. Despite numerous attempts for a date, she declined his advances until his very last day of therapy - a love story for another time. Eric continued his education thriving in the medical field and is known today as one of the top cardio thrasic surgeons in New York State.

Eric's love for Football stuck with him and Christian followed suit. Many of Christians fondest childhood memories involved tossing a football with his father in their yard and Sunday night football on the television. His father would explain each and every play as they unfolded. Needless to say Christian was hooked. At age five, he was on a team playing tackle football, despite his Mother's request to start him in a league with flag football. Christian was having none of that.

It was during one of their Sunday night Foot Games that Christians sexuality became the focus of the evening. On a commercial break Christian took note of one specific ad. The commercial did not depict a gay couple but rather a father doing laundry. Christians perceptive and curious mind made him ponder on the father doing the chore he generally sees his mother doing. Not a big deal he thought in his Seven year old mind, but being Christian he had a question and wanted it answered. He looked at his father sitting on their couch beside him and decided he would call his mother in from the kitchen.

"Mommy, I have a question," Christian called out to his mother.

Christians Mother entered their living room with a bright smile and responded kindly "Whatcha got for me kido?" Her ocean blue eyes and dirty blond hair resembled that of Christian. She was a beautiful woman.

"Why doesn't Daddy do Laundry?" Christian pondered.

"Because mommy likes her washer and dryer and your daddy has a habit of overloading them," a response Christians mother realized would lead to more questions. She glanced at her husband with a smirk and then redirected her attention back to little Christian. "He'll break mommy's washer and dryer, Christian".

Christian looked at his father and said with authority "you should do better Daddy. I am careful when I play with my friends' toys not to break them and you should do the same with mommy's".

As you can imagine Christians parents burst out laughing but Christian did not understand the humor. He continued and spoke aloud, registering the information. "So daddys' can do laundry. I guess that makes sense or Susan from the playground would always wear dirty clothes! You know, not having a Mommy. That's good to know because I do not want to get married when I grow up but want clean clothes".

Now Christians parents became just as curious as Christian had been moments ago. His father took his turn to ask a question. "Why do you not want to get married?"

Christian looked at father and simply responded "I do not like girls. Not in the way you like mommy. I like boys that way".

Eric and Theresa Price looked at each other and spoke in silence. While Christian did not use the word gay to announce his sexuality at the mere age of Seven, they knew better than to question what he meant. He was gay and while now may not be the time to have a talk with Christian about what that means, they would it in do time... if Christian didn't beat them to it.

Christians father glanced at his wife for a moment before addressing Christian with a warming smile and said "you Christian, will find someone you love so much and who will love you equally as hard. And you will marry that boy because LOVE IS LOVE. You will have all the happiness mommy and I share regardless of that love being with another boy". Before Christian had time to fully process his fathers statement and bombard his parents with a plethora of questions to follow, Theresa Price swooped Christian up from the couch, gave him a big kiss and rushed him up to bed.

The loving parents spoke with each other for hours that night while Christian slept. Christian was gay and they felt nothing but joy knowing their son knew himself at such a young age and would never have to concern himself with feelings of confusion or self loathing. They would make sure he knew he was loved unconditionally and that being gay did not define him. However, they understood a large population of the world did not share their views on LOVE IS LOVE and Christian may be subject to ridicule. The thought of Christian being on the receiving end of any homophobic rant, bullying or worse, crushed them. They swore that night they would prepare Christian for what could be a rough road ahead and provide him with all the tools necessary to protect himself from those who might wish him harm. And they did. They may not be able to protect Christian from the everyday struggles that is life, but they made sure he never felt "different" or "weird" simply because he was gay.

As the years passed, Christian grew to be a strong minded, confident young man. His parents did everything they had promised. Christian never felt as though his sexuality was a burden or something that would hold him back from living his life to the fullest. In fact, he felt empowered by it. The world could try their hardest to break him and they'd fail miserably. No one could break him. No one but himself and a single feeling. Love. It would prove to be the one thing he was not prepared for and certainly not the heartbreak that can come along with it. 

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