Chapter 7. Camp Ends

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Dirt and debris invaded my senses with a strong wind pushing me back as I desperately pushed my way toward the front rod iron gate. With two arms held tightly on my shoulders pulling me back it made my attempts to reach my destination futile.

My screams for Billy increased in volume at the sight of the helicopter ascending up. Now fully visible over the brick wall separating the camp from the outside wall, I cried Billy's name to no avail. Feeling the adrenaline racing throughout my body I mustered all the strength I had within me and ripped myself away from the counselor's hold and pushed forward against the force of the helicopter's propeller blades.

I reached the rod iron gate, grabbed hold of it with both hands and attempted to pull it open. It had been locked. Again I cried out to Billy, my voice muffled by the sound of the helicopter taking flight. Holding tight as high on the gate as I could, I brought my right foot to the bottom of it in an attempt to climb over. Pushing myself up with my left foot I felt hands around my shoulders again and found myself being thrown down on my back.

"Kid! What is your problem?" the girl counselors voice spoke down to me like venom. It was not the tone of her voice or the stern look she held that made me realize I had failed, but rather the clarity I could hear her. The helicopter was in full flight and far enough away for any attempts to get whomever was on boards attention.

"Get up and wipe yourself off. I also want your name and cabin number. Let's go!" The counsel demanded.

Defeated, I slowly pulled myself up, giving my shorts a quick dusting off. It didn't care what I looked like at the moment and I certainly could give a rats ass if I dragged dirt into the camp's lobby.

"Shit! You're bleeding and all cut up. You'll probably be black and blue tomorrow." The counselor continued her verbal attack on me. "Your parents will be called first thing in the morning and if I have anything to do with it you'll be out of here just as fast as they were" she gestured into the air at the helicopter now a mere spec high in the sky.

It was at that moment I realized I was standing in just a pair of red basketball shorts having rushed out of the cabin in what I had fallen asleep in. I saw no marks on my stomach or legs but my feet were in pain and I could feel my back was beat up pretty bad from the fall. Actually from the push back. Hmm.

Coming to my senses the counselors' threats register in my mind. I couldn't take the chance of the camp kicking me out. I must make it through the week with the hopes Billy would return or find a way to contact me here. So I did what I do best. I began to analyze the situation. I read the counselor's demeanor, remembered all the interactions I've had with her this summer and used my wit.

"You pushed me to the floor!" I accused her with shock in my voice. My eyes lingered on hers as her face contorted into weird looks and what I can only assume to be confusion. Not a good look on her might I add.

"I-I... are you trying to accuse me of something?" she asked me in disbelief.

"At first I found you half asleep at the front. I assume you're meant to keep watch of the front while us children sleep, no?" I continued as a gasp left her mouth. "And then, fearing for my friend's safety, I went to check on him and you practically attacked me." Taking a dramatic pause I looked down at myself and then twisted my head back a bit to look over my shoulders and down my back. "I mean look at me? Look what YOU did!. My father, a surgeon no less, is going to be highly concerned these injuries took place under your watch and by your hands."

"Look... kid..." she began to speak nervously.

"MY NAME IS PETER!" I lied. "You seem like a nice girl. What are you like Seventeen and this is probably a stupid summer job your thrilled is almost over, right? I don't want to start problems and my mother is crazy. I would rather not deal with any of this so if you don't mind I'm just going to head back to my cabin, take a shower and tend to my wounds." I finished gesturing to my back covered in dirt and bloodied scraped.

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