Chapter 26. What the actual ....?

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In middle school, it seemed as though all my friends were obsessed with losing their virginity. I was never in a rush to. I knew that when I did, it would be with someone I loved and the moment would feel right. In highschool, when my friends started to lose their virginities, their new obsession became sex itself and how often they could get it. Sex, sex, and more sex. It never annoyed me when my friends would go on and on about their sexual escapades and desires for more, but I still didn't fully understand it. Until now.

My first time was magical. It was everything I had dreamed of and more. Experiencing it with William, made it that much more special and personal for the both of us. Our bodies together felt like they had been molded to fit perfectly with one another. It felt right. William was gentle, loving, and attentive... at first. As the passion built and our wants increased, we took each other to heights I never imagined possible. It was HOT and I wanted more.

The week that followed we looked for any opportunity to make love. We broke many of our rules about no romantic contact in school and yes, we even gave in and found ourselves in a janitor's closet. With Football Season over and done with, we had more free time but for me, that wasn't enough. I cancelled private self defense lessons I had scheduled, skipped an LGBTQ Alliance meeting at school, made excuse after excuse as to why I wasn't able to hang out with Maria and Mike. I even spent less time with my family and little Christopher. I was obsessed with being with William.

It was a Thursday and I was currently in class texting with William as discreetly as possible. We were making plans for the following period, our lunch break.

Me: How about my truck!

William: Mr. Price! You dirty boy.

Me: I blame my boyfriend ;)

William: Kinda risky, no?

Me: I know a discreet place we can drive to and park. Not too far...

William: You've twisted my arm lol. I'll meet you by your car in 15 :))

Me: Yay!!! See you then sexy

William: <3

Me: <3

The bell rang soon after and in a hurry I swung my backpack over my shoulder and rushed out of class.

"Christian! Wait up." I heard Mike call out from behind me and then quickly by my side.

"Hey. What's up?" I responded not really paying too much mind . I was on a mission and that mission was to get to my car, to my boyfriend.

"Have you spoken to Maria at all?"

"What? Maria? I guess. I think so. Why?" I asked, turning my head slightly to look at Mike.

"Bro! What is the rush? Can you slow down for a second?" Mike sounded aggravated.

"Sorry my man. I got a hot date. In kind of a rush." I playfully responded.

"Dude. Maria. When's the last time you spoke to her?" Mike repeated, frustrated.

Still speed walking, I shrugged my shoulders in response. "I don't know. Yesterday. The day before. I've been kind of busy."

"Christian you need to-"

"Look, Mike. I'm really sorry but I can't talk right now. I'll catch up with you after lunch. Cool?" I cut him off and kept walking. I didn't even bother to notice he stopped walking and never responded.


"That was amazing." I panted, dropping next to a half naked William.

"Do you think it'll ever get old or will it always be this amazing?" William was breathing equally as heaving coming down from our heated courtship.

What Was Left At CampTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon