Chapter 37. I don't want it back

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I usually don't start a chapter with a note but we're coming close to the end. I have the final chapters already completed but may change a few things. I did not write an epilogue but have one in mind IF this story ever picks up or even if the few readers reading it, request one. I don't care if 2 people read it and love it or if 100's do. I owe it to anyone who likes this story. So let me know. Comments, good or bad would help me know how the story is being received. And of course, votes are always welcomed with love...  

I spent the better part of my weekend pondering over the conversation Wendy and I had. More importantly, the question she had left me with. Did William's grandfather know about us and if so, what did that mean? Did he threaten William somehow? How would he have known though? We were careful, no?

"Christian!" My fathers voice called from downstairs. "Come down here. You'll want to see this!" His voice carried a hint of urgency. I had been playing with Christopher in his room and so I scooped him up off the floor and with him in my arms descended down the stairs and into the living room. My father has the business news channel on.

"Willim" Christopher pointed at the TV. I slowly handed Christopher to my Mother who stood close by watching intensely.

William was behind a podium with cameras on him. He was in the middle of making a speech and I was instantly annoyed I missed the beginning. He was dressed in a sharp blue suit with a white button down dress shirt and silver tie tucked neatly under his suit jacket. His raven hair was neatly brushed to the side giving him a business professional appearance. He looked hot but I preferred his messy, just out of bed, bangs handing over his eyes hairdo. What really stood out were his Emerald green eyes. They looked unreal through the television as though he was wearing colored contacts.

"There is much I wish to do before I take over the responsibilities my grandfather held. In truth, there is no better person to lead Mencini Enterprises and our associated brands than my Uncle, Gregory Mencini's son, Jonathan Mencini. For myself, I will be continuing my studies and enjoying the remainder of my teenage years. I look forward to one day joining my Uncle, by his side, as he leads Mencini Enterprise into an exciting new chapter that mirrors the 21st century." He looked over his shoulder off camera and smiled at someone. He then turned to face the cameras once more. "Without further ado, Jonathan Mencini." William stepped away and his Uncle stepped up to the podium.

"He-he's giving the company ov-" I couldn't finish my sentence.

"I'm proud of him." My father stated.

"Thank you for the introduction, William. However, before I begin taking questions, I do believe there is another exciting adventure you forgot to mention." William's uncle smiled. "Kids!" He laughed and shook his head. Laughter could be heard off camera from the bystanders. His Uncle clearly has a charm about him that resonated with people. He was going to kill it. He stepped aside once more but rather than standing off camera, he stood proudly behind William and William once again took the podium.

"Sorry." He apologized and blushed. "I'm not used to public speaking." He cleared his throat and shuffled through some pages that sat on the podium. "I seemed to have misplaced my notes." He looked embarrassed. "This is why I am pleased to leave the company in the capable hands of my Uncle." He laughed again and the crown followed. "I guess I'll just wing it." 

He stopped shuffling through the papers and stood tall addressing the cameras. "Menicic Enterprises is proud of it's honorable contribution to multiple charities through the decades. We've partnered with some of the world's most reputable non-for-profit organizations, helping to raise millions of dollars. We now feel it is time we branch out and start a non-for-profit of our own." He cleared his throat and looked back at his Uncle who gave him an encouraging look. He turned to address his audience one more.

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