Chapter 39. Mr. Thompson

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"Well, when will I see you?" My voice was close to a whisper, somber even. I tried my best not to sound disappointed as I spoke to William over the phone.

"Soon. I promise. So, tell me. How was camp?" William sounded cheerful.

I returned from Camp yesterday wishfully thinking William would be part of the welcome home comity but he was not. I tried to call him after I spent some time with my family but he didn't answer. In return, I received a text that he couldn't talk but would call me back. Thirteen hours later, he finally called. My paranoia was at an all time high.

"Camp wasn't- it was fine. I miss you. I want to see you." I spoke laying in bed looking up at my wall, consumed with thoughts that I may have lost him once again.

He chuckled on the other line. "It was fine? Just fine? That's all I get?" He was being playful. It was not the response or the tone I was hoping for.

"Yeah. It was fine... I guess. It wasn't what I expected but it was a learning experience." I rushed. "I missed you though, William."

"I missed you too." He sounded sincere but something still felt off and it was driving me crazy.

"What are you doing?" I was starting to sound needy and had to reel it in.

"Talking to you." He teased.

I sat up in bed and sighed dramatically. "William, seriously. I want to see you. I need to talk to you." I was composed when I spoke this time, not wanting to push too hard but also trying to convey the urgency.

He was silent for what felt like minutes but probably only a few seconds. To me, it was too long to tame my fears. "We are talking." His response threw me over the edge.

"Are you in Manhattan?" I may have sounded a bit aggravated.

"Yes, Christian. Where else would I be? Is everything alright?" His voice finally sounded like he was taking me seriously.

"No. Not really William." I paused thinking of what to say. "I need to see you. When can I see you?"

"Christian. You're worrying me. What's wrong?" He sounded concerned and filled with worry. Now I felt bad.

"It's nothing like that. I'm physically fine. Everyone is fine. I just really want to see and speak to you."

"I wish I could be out there but things are busy right now. The Foundation is so close to launching and I've been working late at the office non-stop. I promise, once I have a moment, I'll come see you." He responded reassuringly but I was already beyond the point of no return. Our past had me thinking the worst.

"I'm leaving for NYU this weekend. Will I see you before then?"

"I hope so?" His answer was more of a question and it felt like someone punched me in the gut.

"I have to go." I responded hastily as I jumped up out of bed and grabbed my wallet off my nightstand, my car keys and threw on my sneakers.

"Ok?" Another semi-question response. "I love-"

I may have accidentally hung up on him as I rushed out of my room and down the stairs. "I'm going out. Not sure when I'll be back." I called out to whomever was listening as I exited my house.


It was late in the evening and so traffic wasn't that bad. I made it to Manhattan in under an hour. I had never been to the office William was working out of but he had told me where it was. Unfortunately, security wouldn't let me in. He worked in a high-rise where you needed a key-card to gain access. Without, you needed to be on a pre-authorized visitors log and since I was on the verge of stalking William, clearly I was not on a list. He was unaware I was here.

"Please, I'm here to see William Mencini. He knows me. My name is Christian Price. As in The Thompson and Price Foundation!" I emphasized my last name, pleading with the rather intimidating security guard.

The tall, built, brown haired man wore your standard security guards uniform, two hands clutched to his belt as he stared down at me. "I'm sorry Sir but as I stated before, if you're not an employee and not on the visitors log, I cannot allow you entry." He spoke deep with authority.

I pulled out my cell phone and dialed William. It went straight to voicemail. I looked back to the security guard with pleading eyes. "Can you call upstairs? William Mencini? Tell him Christian is in the lobby?"

"I cannot do that sir. And also, there is no William Mencini who works here." He raised an eyebrow and gave me a look that it was time for me to leave.

"That's because my name is William Thompson." A familiar voice startled me from behind.

I turned around quicker than the Tasmanian devil. William had just exited the elevators and stood wearing light grey dress pants, a light blue button down shirt tucked into his dress pants with no tie on and the top button undone. His hair, thankfully styled messily, how I liked it.

I ran to him and jumped into his arms with such force he stumbled back a bit but managed to keep us both upright. I nuzzled my face in the nook of his neck and let his scent engulf my senses. It was like heaven clouded my mind and I was floating blissfully in everything William. "I-I'm sorry. I know this seems crazy and stalker-ish but I needed- I needed to see you. I missed you so, so much." I was a mess speaking into his neck, not wanting to let go.

William chuckled a bit as he rubbed my back. "Hey. It's ok. Calm down. I'm here." He pulled his head back indicating I should also, so that he could look at me. We remained in our embrace. "I can't believe you drove out here. You know, you hung up on me before." He was teasing me again, trying to lighten my mood.

"I was wrong. So wrong. We. Us. I should have never asked for time. I didn't need time. I mean, I thought I had but I didn't. All I needed- all I need is you William. I'm so sorry. So sorry. Please. I can't lose you again. Forgive me. Please don-" I was a rambling mess.

"Shhh." William stopped me. "What has gotten you so worked up?" He removed one arm from our embrace and dried my cheek from a tear that had fallen. He then pushed a lock of my dirty blonde hair out of my eyes. "I told you already, you have my heart and I don't want it back, remember?" He smiled warmly.

I nodded yes, unable to form coherent words.

"Is there something you want to ask me, Christian?" He raised an eyebrow and I knew what he was asking for.

"It feels silly asking because I think of you as so much more but will you be my boyfriend again? Like officially." I surprised myself with how clear the words came out.

"You could have just asked that over the phone. Hell, you could have texted it to me and it wouldn't have made any difference. I've been officially yours. With or without the title. You didn't have to come all the way out here." He smirked and leaned in so that our lips touched but didn't kiss. "I'm glad you did though. I missed you like crazy, my boyfriend." He smiled against my lips and then kissed me with such passion I think we made the security guard uncomfortable.

When we broke the kiss we both wore the goofiest smiles. Joining hands, I looked at my boyfriend. "So, Thompson? I love it!" I commented on the changing of his last name.

"Good. Because Mr. Thompson has a hotel room and the bed gets very lonely at night. Would Mr. Price like to spend the night?" He winked at me.

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