Chapter 13. William the Homophobe?

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"Yes and no." I answered honestly. Mateo asked if I still loved Billy and I am not one to lie.

"Christian, that's not an answer!" Mateo protested.

"BILLY was my first love Mateo. I will always love BILLY but not in the way you're thinking. It's more nostalgic than anything. But this guy... William. He is not Billy. At least not the Billy I knew. Whoever he has turned into, I don't even like, let alone love. And even if he was the Billy I remembered, I'm with you now Mateo and he wouldn't change that!" I attempted to reassure him.

"I love you, Christian." He spoke so softly it felt painful.

Putting pressure on my left foot, I kicked my right leg up and threw it over Mateos lap. Positioning myself on his lap straddling him, I threw my arms over his shoulders and cupped his neck. "Prove it to me" I teasingly spoke, resting my forehead against his.

He grabbed me by my thighs and pulled me up and threw me down on the bed. With my back against the mattress he hurtled himself on top of me pinning me down between his strong arms. "I have a few ideas on how I can!" he teased back, wiggling his eyebrows as his lips moved closer to mine.

"Good!" I moved in for a kiss.

Just as our lips touched he spoke into the kiss. "Do you mean it? We really can? You're ready?"

Ah shit. He thought too much into this. "Mateo, my family is home and we just had a conversation about my ex. This is not my idea of a special moment and place to lose my virginity"

He pulled back a bit but I wasn't having any of it. I may not be ready to lose my virginity but that doesn't mean I didn't want to explore each other's bodies. I pulled him back down to me and before he could protest, my lips found his.


"Like I said, not that big a deal." I finished telling Maria and Mike the full story about William.

"So, you think it's him but he's denying it?" Maria asked.

"Kinda. I mean, he's not denying it because I never flat our asked him but I insinuated it and he played dumb."

"I don't get it" Mike said.

Maria, Mike and I had been standing in the front of our school, leaning against my truck. We had arrived at school about five minutes ago and Maria began to ask about the whole William/Billy drama.

Christina hasn't spoken to me since last night. The car ride to school she ignored me with her earbuds in focusing on her phone. When we arrived at school, she was quick to rush over to her friends leaving me alone until Maria and Mike arrived.

"What don't you get Mike?" I reluctantly asked.

"Is it Billy or not?" He replied like the answer was obvious.

"I'm almost positive it is."

"What makes you so sure though?" He questioned.

Thinking my answer through I let my head hang low and began kicking the dirt underneath my shoe. "It's more than how he looks. I've caught him staring at me. You did too!" I pointed out. "He also noticed the pin and the look on his face when he did wasn't a look of someone just admiring a fucking pin. It was different. He also tried to avoid me during our practice. Who does that?" I took a dramatic pause as I took in a deep breath and released it. "And I feel it."

I looked up at my friends to gauge their facial expressions in response to my last comment. Mike still looked lost but Maria seemed to understand.

"Look. Mike." I got his attention. "If Maria disappeared-"

"Don't even say such things dude" Mike cut me off.

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