Chapter 2. Camp and a bigot

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The campgrounds looked nothing like it's overgrown exterior. As Billy, his uncle and I headed towards cabin #22, I couldn't help but notice how manicured and well maintained the landscape was. The cobblestone path we walked was lined with cabins on both sides. Odd numbers starting at 1 on the left and even numbers to the right.

Each cabin looked like miniature houses complete with a small deck in the front and each one painted a different color from the one next to it. I guess they figured a bunch of jocks might fare better associating their home for the next few weeks by its color rather than its number.

Needless to say, cabin #22 was a bit further from the lobby than the rest. As we approached our fire truck red painted cabin, I noticed only a few more ahead before the forest reclaimed the land. A quick guess, I assumed there were a total of 30 cabins.

Billy and I chatted a bit during the walk and as we entered our cabin. Once we got over our nerves, the conversation flowed effortlessly. It felt as though I've known him forever.

The cabin's interior was divided into three rooms. One large room upon entering was set up with a three seater couch, a small dining table with four chairs and a miniature kitchen area. The kitchen had a sink, microwave and a fridge but nothing else. A small hallway led to two doors. The door to the right opened to our sleeping quarters with two bunk beds on each side of the room totaling 4 beds. The other door which was at the end of the miniature hallway was a shared bathroom - nothing exciting.

It's not that I didn't expect to share the cabin with more than just one person but I can't say I wasn't a little disappointed when I noticed 4 beds in our sleeping quarters. Entering the room with Billy and his uncle, we were greeted by another boy already settled in. He was laying on one of the top bunks furthest from the door, earbuds in his ears listening to music. He lifted his head to give us a nod and that was the most we got from him. He went back to his own world and paid us no mind. A mute?

"He's talkative" I attempted a joke.

"I'll take a quiet roommate over load mouth any day of the week" Billy replied and we both chuckled a bit.

Billy and I decided to take the bunk to the right just as you enter the room. Billy took the top and I took the bottom. Once settled, I realized I was in such a rush this morning I didn't really give much thought to my appearance and probably looked like a Hobo. I excused myself and immediately went towards the bathroom.

As I exited the sleeping area I heard the front door open. I was met with what I assumed to be our fourth and final roommate.

"Sup Bro" an average height boy for his age greeted me.

He had a decent build but nothing that stood out. Brown hair with hazel eyes and a "I think I'm cooler than cool" smirk on his face. Nothing about him impressed me much and I could tell from his broskey type greeting he may be a problem.

"Hey man, my name is Christian. Nice to meet you" I introduced myself, extended my hand.

He shook my hand and looked up at me with a bit of intimidation in his eyes. Ha!

"Steven" he provided his name and then "bedrooms in here?" he asked, looking at the opened door behind me.

He either isn't too bright seeing how the door was open and bunk beds clearly visible or maybe he had nothing else to say. Probably the latter.

"Yes" I responded quickly, then turned and headed to the bathroom. Something about him I didn't like and besides, why waste anymore time talking to this boy. I wanted to wash up and get back to Billy as soon as possible.

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