Chapter 6. Camp and I love you's

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It was everything I expected and more. I felt the butterflies, the sparks, the warmth, the connection... Kissing Billy felt right. It felt like I had found home. A place where no one else belonged nor existed. So why did he pull away? Did he not feel the same? Did I do something wrong? Am I a bad kisser? Yes, this was my first kiss and from what he told me it was his as well. I swear though, instinctually, the moment our lips met it was as though they knew what to do. I really hope I'm not a bad kisser.

I found myself afraid to look into Billy's eyes. I did not want to see the disgust or shame he might be feeling. I wanted to hold onto the feeling of joy I had felt not a moment ago.

"Hey. Hey... look at me" Billy spoke with such tenderness in his voice it almost broke me out of my fearful thoughts, but I still couldn't bring myself to look at him. He leaned forward and placed his forehead against mine and it was then I saw his smile and the warmth in my body returned. With that, I found myself lost in his eyes again. "That was amazing. Did.. did you feel that too" he asked a bit out of breath, our foreheads still leaning against one another.

I went to speak but nothing came out at first. Catching my breath and swallowing a lump that was forming in my throat, I was able to push out a staggered "yeah".

"Christian Price?" Billy asked calling my name.

I responded still a little out of breath "Yes, Mr. Thompson" followed but a slight giggle.

His smile grew with a complimenting giggle. "Be my boyfriend," he said. It came out as half a statement rather than a question. He knew he didn't need to ask. I was his.

I didn't answer with words. My lips were back on his. This time deeper and with more passion than our previous kiss. His hands were around the back of my neck before I had a chance to grab his. If possible, he deepened the kiss even more. To my surprise and delight, Billy was much bolder than I thought. I found his tongue had managed to find its way into my mouth. Something took over my body and I found myself on his lap welcoming his intruding tongue. Mine responded the same, requesting entrance to his mouth playing for dominance.

I broke the kiss for only a moment with both my hands holding Billy's face close to mine. "That's a yes in case you were wondering" and my lips were back on his again.


"Yes! Calliopsis flowers. They're a thing, I swear"

"And those are your favorite flowers?"

"And what's wrong with that?"

"I've never heard of them, Christian. I was expecting you to say something like Roses or Lilies or Orchids. But Calli...whatever they're called?" Billy said as he turned in my arms to face me.

"If you saw them, you'd probably recognize them but they're more garden type plants. Not ones generally used in a bouquet of flowers but they come in a variety of colors and I don't know, I just like them" I retorted as I leaned in and gave Billy a chaste kiss.

"You're weird" he teased as he poked my ribs with his fingers.

"Don't even" I warned.

"Or what?" Billy half laughed as he began to push himself up and off of my side he had been snuggled up to.

It had been three weeks since we made it official. I, Christian Price, have a boyfriend and I couldn't be happier. He is everything I never knew I was missing in my life. I know we are only fourteen and you're thinking we're too young to have such a deep connection but I don't know. I may not have had prior experience to compare our relation to, but this just feels so right. Like we were destined to meet and be together. I was in heaven.

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