Chapter 4. Camp and Billy's story

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"Where the hell did James go?" Steven asked as he made his way towards the little table the game they had been playing previously still sat on. One question running through my mind, did he see Billy and I almost kiss?

"Tell me he's in the room on his bunk listening to music again? That kid is obsessed. Might be a great football player but if you ask me he has more passion for whatever he's listening to than life itself. Should've gone to a music camp or something!" Steven laughed as he pulled out one of the tables chairs, sat down and swung his legs up to the top of the table crossing them.

Looking at Billy and I who stood a few feet apart now, but still in shock and unable to move, Stevens' features dropped to a look of concern. One his voice mimicked when he asked "Did I miss something?" He looked down and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look guys, I know I've been a dick... that I am a dick... but I am trying. I'm sorry I stormed out when I lost this stupid game" he gestured to the game on the table "but I figured it would be best to walk away, calm down and not say something stupid that I would regret."

Billy and I exchanged a look of relief realizing Steven hadn't noticed what he walked in on. He clearly mistook the awkward tension in the room. He assumed we had been upset or taken aback by his storming out after losing the game. Although I was not involved so why he would include me in his assumption is beyond me but nevertheless, I didn't care. Billy looked happy again and that's all that mattered.

"James is on his bunk listening to music, yes. And no, no one is upset you stormed out. It's cool, Steven. You can relax." Billy calmly responded to Steven.

Steven unknowingly, now shared the look of relief with Billy and I but for completely different reasons. "Cool.." was all Steven replied before kicking his legs off the table and sitting upright in the chair.

At this time Billy and I joined him at the table and without speaking of it, we began to put the game away. Yes, I know I didn't play whatever this game is but I am not against helping clean up, even if it's not my mess.

"Oh, I forgot to ask earlier but how's your Mom doing, Bills." Steven directed his question at Billy.

Bills? He gave Billy a nickname? He's asking about his Mom? What the hell was going on? What have I missed during my sleep deprived week?

Billy shot an annoyed look at Steven and the two shared a silent conversation. Like seriously, what the hell have I missed?

"I am the worst!" Steven spoke as he nearly headbutted the table in an attempt to show Billy his remorse for his last question. "Shit, my bad dude!"

"No, no. It's cool. I just haven't really spoken to Christian about it. But, Steven man, outside of this cabin and the people in it, it would be cool if we didn't bring it up, ok!" Billy responded and it was clear his last sentence was no question but a statement.

"I get it Bro and again my bad." Steven provided Billy with an apologetic look as he stood up from the table. "I'm gonna go annoy James now." And just like that Billy and I were left alone once more.

"Do you maybe want to go for a walk?" Billy asked me. I couldn't be happier he filled the silence before it had a chance to become awkward, although I'm not sure it would have. Despite it all - the last week - my two cheek kisses - what I think may have been an actual kiss but interrupted by Steven almost catching us - there seemed to be a comfortable vibe flowing between the two of us.

"Lets!" I responded simply with that stupid grin from earlier returning to my face.

Billy and I exited the cabin in a comfortable silence. Every so often we would sneak quick glances at one another and even under the dim moonlight, his eyes sparkled green sending my body and mind into uncharted territory. As we slowly walked side by side down the bricked path, passing through the colorful village of cabins, our hands would slightly graze each other every so often, begging the other to grab hold. But neither of us seemed to have the confidence to do so at the moment.

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