Epilogue Pt. 2

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A/N: Idky I suddenly decided I wanted to write something for this story but I basically wanted something incredibly fluffy and cute and I also wanted to let yall know that they had twin girls. So it's official. Max is a #GirlDad. Anyway hope you like it!

You rummaged through the duffle you had packed, trying to go through a mental check list and make sure that you had packed everything that you would need. Although you did have the feeling that you were forgetting something; you just couldn't put a finger on what.

"Okay, I think I have everything ready. Am I forgetting something?" You called, zipping the bag shut and looking at your reflection in the mirror once again. Luckily, your hair didn't do that thing it usually did, where if you stepped away from the mirror for one second, it got completely messed up.

You heard soft footsteps of Max's sneakers before he appeared at the top of the staircase with both his hands full, "Um, your children?"

The twins were the most unexpected and the best part of your life. And that was quite a feat considering you found out you were a superhero at the age of 17. You and your husband, Max, really did think they were going to be non-supes, considering you went through a regular pregnancy and that they didn't have any super growth spurts.

That relieved you to no end because you were only 22 when they were born, and you did not want to be 22 with 10-year-old children. But they did begin to develop powers around a year and a half after being born and thankfully you had retained your powers as well. Now, Iris and Everleigh were a little older than 2 years and you loved them more than you could express.

You spared him a teasing smile, "No, that's not it."

He rolled his eyes and made his way down the stairs, handing you one of the twins and you smiled when you realized they were both already dressed, "Oh, thank you for getting them in the dresses. I really didn't want to go through that nightmare today."

"I keep telling my parents not to gift fancy dresses, the fancier the dress, the itchier the material and the more crying it takes to get them on." He complained and you noticed the way Everleigh's face was red and blotchy with dried tears on her chubby cheeks. No doubt she would've troubled Max while he was trying to get her in the dress.

You kissed her cheek, cooing when she buried her tiny head in your neck, holding onto the material of your dress in a tiny fist.

"Good thing I packed some extra clothes. We can just change them if they get fussy later."

You were going back to Hiddenville for Nora's birthday and while it wasn't the first time you were travelling with the twins; it didn't mean that it got easier. They usually troubled a lot when it came to sitting in their car seats for a long amount of time and you usually had to make a LOT of stops to change diapers.

Together, you both got into the car and once you were sure the twins were buckled in well, you pulled out of the driveway. Max was in the backseat because he had already gotten them dressed today, you couldn't expect him to drive for 3 hours either.

Just as you got onto the freeway and Iris began getting a little fussy did a thought flash in your head, "I forgot to pack their blankets."

Like she had understood you, Iris began crying and you groaned, turning on the blinker to exit and Max slapped his forehead, "Damn it, (Y/N)."


You stepped into the house with a giant smile on your face, excited to see the family again since it had been a while. Thankfully the twins had napped for majority of the ride and only woke up once you were 5 minutes away from their grandparents' house. Now, fully rested and fully awake, they were very restless and excited to begin walking around.

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