Chapter 12

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You were late.

So late.

So late that you felt you might only reach only at the end of first period.

So late that you were wrestling out of Max's hoodie and pulling up your pants while a toothbrush dandled from your mouth.

You brushed your teeth while you stuffed your books in your bag with your free hand and was in such a hurry to spit the you ended up getting toothpaste on your shirt and needed to change.

Then you were barreling down the street with your arms stuffed with books and a hoodie sitting haphazardly above them.

Then you ignored pretty much all the rules of traffic and sprinted to school, only to find out that your teacher for first period was absent. Which was annoying, since you had reached there just in the nick of time.

And there wasn't a substitute either.

That was how, you and your classmates ended up in the cafeteria, catching up on homework or sleep or just doing rubbish.

You sat at one of the tables at the end when Phoebe came up to you with a packet of chips, some granola bars and a bottle of juice.

"I figured you didn't eat any breakfast." She smiled, taking a seat next to you while you tried to make your hair look more presentable. Cherry was in English and she was going to be so jealous when she finds out you had a free period this morning.

Tearing open the granola bar, you sent Phoebe a thankful smile as she set the book you needed for the project in front of you.

You bit into the snack and stuffed some of the books that you couldn't fit in your hurry into your bag, keeping the hoodie on your lap. You turned to Phoebe to ask her if she found anything helpful from the book when you saw that she was looking around, looking suspicious.

"Pheebs? You okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just, where is that smell coming from?"

Your brows furrowed, 'Can she smell that I didn't take a shower this morning?'

Phoebe's hands suddenly shot out and grabbed the hoodie from your lap, sniffing it like a dog. She paused, looking at you with an astonished look, "That cologne. Is-Is this Max's hoodie?"

You pursed your lips when she came closer to sniff you, 'Please start to lecture me about how I should've taken a shower this morning.'

"Were you wearing Max's hoodie?!"

"I might've tried it on."

She stared you down with a look of disbelief, "Is-Is this why you were late? Max didn't come home last night either—" "Ew! No! Phoebe! That didn't happen! I swear!"

She laughed, "Yeah I know, I just wanted to see your reaction."

You glared at her, "I hate you."

"You should've seen your face!"

"Oh shut up!"

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