Chapter 52

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Returning back to Hiddenville when everybody knew that you were the superhero that saved the town was a weird experience. 

Suddenly, people wanted to talk to you, meet you, a few families even tried to adopt you but you turned all of them down because the Hero League was responsible for your bringing up now.

Returning back actually got you closer to your friends and it made you feel slightly guilty about leaving them in the dust even though it was the best decision for you. Of course, they all agreed. As long as you were happy, they could forgive you and you were so grateful for that.

Things just started falling back into place.

Your classes got better, so did your mental health.

Your interaction with friends and family got better.

And most importantly, when you went back home to your empty room, you didn't feel that void anymore. You felt comfortable with yourself. Comfortable enough to enjoy the time you had to yourself.

You continued to study but you also began to train to become a superhero. Just like your mother.

You were practically thriving.

Although, something that you didn't enjoy talking about was often the talk of the school. Everyone was under the impression that you had the perfectly imperfect life and apparently the only thing you were missing was your perfectly imperfect boyfriend. Which was honestly quite frustrating.

You didn't date anyone since you returned, not even bothering to go on first dates with people.

The reason for that was very, very simple. Because you couldn't do that to Max.

Yes, deep down, you still loved him but this newly found comfort in yourself was something you wanted to explore before you started relying on people once again. But that didn't mean that he was okay with it.

Yes, everybody in the entire world by now knew that he was still madly in love with you and as far as they knew, you were the one who kept rejecting him.

It was slightly upsetting and you felt empathetic towards him because he loved you so much. And he blantantly expressed it.

It made you feel guilty and like you were taking advantage of him when you didn't stop him from showing that he loved you, but at the same time, it was such a giddy feeling because it reassured you that he did still love you. Even if you were making him wait.

However, sometimes you were tempted.

It had started when Smith was assigned to paint the school mural in honour of you and Max after saving the school. You had been looking forward to it for 2 weeks, excitedly chatting off Max's ears off about what you thought it might be.

Unbeknownst to you, Max and Phoebe took a peek at the mural and quickly realized to Max's horror that this was not what you had wanted. At all.

So they spent the next day trying to convince Smith to change her mind and re-paint the mural.

That's how you found the two of them practically humiliating themselves in the gymnasium, wearing dresses and giant afro wigs.

Barely being able to conceal your laughter, you made your way over to the both of them, holding a hand to your mouth when you realized that Max was enjoying being in Smith's shoes, literally.

"What on earth are you two doing?" You squawked out, watching their heads snap towards you.

They tried to poorly lie their way out of it before eventually admitting it to you, "The mural is terrible, (Y/N)," Max told you, "You're gonna hate it. So I tried getting Smith to change it but she wouldn't listen unless I did this."

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