Chapter 38

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"So, do you guys wanna go watch Birds of Prey?" Asked Cherry, leaning over the cafeteria table.

You spared a glance at Allison, wondering if you should ignore the pleading look she sent your way. If you didn't say something now, she'd most definitely cause a scene at the movie theatre, especially after the last time, when Max had insisted on you sitting beside him so you wouldn't feel too alone and whispering to you throughout the movie so you wouldn't feel left out between all the couples.

You sighed, "I-I think I'll pass..."

You ignored the thankful look Allison gave you, biting your tongue to stop you from literally slapping the look off her face.

"Come on, why? We'll have a great time, I hear it's absolutely hilarious." Cherry gushed, grabbing your hands and you barely managed to conceal the nerrvous look you sent between Max and his girlfriend.

By god's grace, the bell signalling the end of lunch and you quickly got up from your seat, "I'm just not a big fan, you guys have fun though, bye."

You moved away so quickly that you didn't notice Max following you until he grabbed your wrist.

"(Y/N), if you're doing this because of me and Allsion—"

Your heart sped up, did he see you look at Allison, seeing the disapproving look she had on her face?

"I'm not doing this because of anybody. I just don't want to go.."

Unconvinced, Max narrowed his eyes at you, wondering what was going on in your head before you reached out and placed a warm hand to him arm, "I'm fine, really."

Sighing, he nodded, "Alright, but if you change your mind—"

"I'll be sure to tell you." You tried to plaster a small smile on your face, however you could only offer him a blank look.

Walking away, you chewed on your lip. Why were you doing this? He cared about you way more than he did Allison, he shows it in everything he does. If you told him Allison asked this of you, he wouldn't like it, you know he wouldn't.

A brief flash of Max blaming you after Allison broke up with him, saying that you were too selfish to even spare his relationship. That you were a psycho who was in love with him and ended up destroying everything that he loved. 

Your breath was knocked out of your lungs and you barely managed to make it to the bathroom on quivering legs before slamming the stall door shut and cupping a hand over your mouth to mimic a paper bag.

One by one, tears began falling before you knew it and you ended up on the floor without knowing it.

"It'll be okay. You'll be okay. Just breathe." You heard a voice telling you from outside the stall and you immediately stopped breathing, trying to pretend you weren't there. That it was all just a bad dream.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, (Y/N)." The person spoke again.

Tears began streaming down your face when you realized that they knew who you were and the whole school would know about your panic attacks by the end of the day.

"P-Please, don't tell anyone." You whispered, shutting your eyes tightly and breathlessly wiping away tears.

"You....don't know who I am, do you?"

You froze.

"Should I?" 

They sighed, "No. I guess you shouldn't."

You sniffled, wiping your nose and looking underneath the stall door, too scared to open the door, but still curious.

"Who are you?"

 You heard no reply.

Stepping out of the stall, it was silent, only the sound of drops of water echoed off the tiles of the empty restroom.

Stepping out of the stall, it was silent, only the sound of drops of water echoed off the tiles of the empty restroom

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