Chapter 42

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WARNING: Some curse words

You couldn't hear anything over your own fury as you threw all your belongings into a bag. The only thought on your mind was getting far away from here, never speaking to anyone from Hiddenville ever again and training until you could control your powers.

The storm you conjured up last night was enough notice for you to actually make practicing your powers your first priority. The streets were still flooded and electricity at the orphanage was still cut, you weren't sure about the condition of the rest of the town.

'Someone's coming up here.'

That made you freeze. Who would want to talk to you? You've been practically in exile since you returned, the other children thought you were bad luck, an orphan that keeps coming back...

Before you could ask who, the door was thrown open and you were met with Max, heaving and panting. It looks like he trudged his way here from his house, as judging from his soaked shoes and the sopping hem of his jeans.

"You're getting my floor wet." You said monotonously before continuing with your packing, leaving anything you wouldn't need behind.

He threw something at you head and you turned around with a mildly surprised face, "What the heck, Max?"

He didn't say anything, he just stared at you with such a hateful glare that you actually felt anxious before gesturing to the newspaper he threw at your feet.

Bending down, you were able to make out the headline, 'UNPREDICTED STORM DESTROYS HOME'

Your brows furrowed; the storm destroyed a house?

Sitting on your bed, you skimmed through the article quickly before gasping.

The storm that took place last night managed to destroy Allison's house because a bolt of lightning tore a tree from her backyard and smashed against it before a landslide caused by the flood streamed through her house.

You cupped a hand over your mouth, staring at the picture that accompanied the article. Her house was completely trashed and it didn't look liveable, with the living area filled with mud that was knee-deep and windows were shattered.

Luckily, no one was hurt.

"Oh my god.... What's going to happen to them?" You asked, finally raising your head to meet Max's eyes to find him glaring at you venomously.

"Thanks to that storm called up last night, Allison and her family are moving to Germany."

"Do they have anywhere to live?"

"A second house that belongs to Allison's dad."

"Oh, thank god." The fact that they weren't homeless put your mind at ease. Even though you felt some guilt, you couldn't help but feel that Allison got what was coming to her.

No harm, no foul.

"Thank god?"

Max apparently didn't feel the same way.

"You realize that because of you, Allison is moving far, far away and not going to come back, right? How could you do this? I know how you feel about me but you couldn't have actually thought that by destroying her house and moving her away from me it would make me like you! If anything, it makes me hate you!"

You paused, gaping at him incredulously, "Wait, you think I wanted this to happen?!"

"Why else would you do it? An unpredicted storm caused by your super powers destroys your crush's girlfriend's house!" He began screaming you and you felt yourself getting defensive by the second.

"If you think that I would do something that like then you must not know me at all."

"Damn right, I don't know you. You're a crazy freak that destroys people's houses!"

"Are you even listening to yourself?! Stop accusing me of things that I never did!" You shouted, resisting the urge to smack him across the face. Whatever happened last night was never your intention. You couldn't believe that someone who was telling you that you would always have a place with him was yelling at you with every breath in his lungs now.

"You're out of control, (Y/N)! I always knew you hated Allison but I never actually thought you would stoop so low!" He all but yelled at you.

He was right. You hated Allison. You loathed her with every fibre of you being. So maybe, subconsciously, you had wanted to storm to destroy her house. Maybe your psyche thought that was the way to solve all your problems and it was working damn well. It was making you realize that everything that you thought you had was worthless, just as you were to them.

So, something inside you just snapped. Something that had been waiting to snap for a while. You had nothing left to lose. You were never, ever going to see him again.

For the first time in months, you could finally think clearly. The fog in your mind was cleared and you felt like you could breathe. You could think for yourself and make decisions for yourself without worrying about what Max or Phoebe or anyone else would think. You wouldn't have to worry about losing them because they weren't worth it. No one was worth more than you.

When you spoke again, it was with the intention to not let him speak to you again. Your voice was cold and collected, "I hate you. I hate you and everything about you."

You began walking towards him, jabbing a vicious finger to him chest and making him take step backwards, away from you. It was time he realized that he couldn't speak to you with anything other than respect.

"I hate you. I hate that you can think that you can just waltz in here and treat me like shit. I'm not your friend, I'm not your family, so don't think you can treat me the way you treat them."

Before you could even think of what you were saying, strings of words were being pulled from your mouth and you could feel your shoulders getting lighter with every sentence.

"You think that you can just walk over me and that I won't stand up for myself. Well, guess what. I've already been broken. And you know who fixed me? Not you, not your sister, not your family. Me. I've put back together the pieces, without anyone's help! And I will never need it! Because I'm all I need."

Maybe he didn't care what you were saying, but it couldn't matter less to you. You had to get this off your chest and tell him so that he'd get out of your face and spread the word. That they were all dead to you.

"You had your chance to try and love me. You failed. You had your chance to blame me. You failed. You had your chance to make me feel awful. You failed. You know why? Because you don't matter to me anymore. Anything that you could possibly do to me will just be another hit that I take every single day of my life."

You could see him anger melt out of him and the only thing that was left was concern. It made you want to laugh. It was too late for his concern. He could go fuck himself.

"I'm going to throw you out now and you're never going to speak to me again. Nor your sister. Nor your parents." You growled, pushing him towards the door before shoving him so hard that he almost fell.

"Let these be my last words to you," You glared at him, having a tight grip on the door, "Fuck you."

Then you slammed the door in his face.

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