Chapter 37

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"Do you wanna pretend that nothing ever happened?"

"No. It won't change the fact that you know how I feel about you, Max. I don't regret telling you, nor am I ashamed of my feelings for you. But now that you know...just give me an easy time, okay? I'll accept the fact that you're dating Allison, but it doesn't mean I want to see you two all lovey-dovey."

"Okay. I'll do whatever it takes to make you comfortable with us again."

"Thank you, Max."

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"(Y/N), I know I'm asking alot from you, but can you not be so close to Max anymore?"

"What?" Your brows furrowed as you stared down the girl before you. Allison had stopped you after Biology ended, the one class you have with her.

"I just, I feel very insecure whenever you two hang out together." She admitted and you scoffed. She looked guilty, but the fact that she was asking you was downright shameless.

"Am I supposed to give up one of my best friends and the only thing that I have that even resembles family just because you feel insecure?"

"Yeah, but that's just the thing! You two, you will never be just friends."

You rolled your eyes, turning away from her and she grabbed both of your hands, holding them tightly.

"I see the way he looks at you, like you're the only thing on his mind—"

'That's just because he's concerned for me.'

"He stops being affectionate with me whenever you're around."

'Because I asked him too.'

"You both used to date too. And there's some undeniable chemistry."

'It doesn't matter now anyway, because he said he doesn't feel the same way.'

You wanted to tell Allison, that she doesn't have to be worried, because Max already proved to be loyal to her. Time and time again. But you couldn't get the words out of your throat. You couldn't give her the satisfaction.

She was so shameless to come to you and ask you to give up one of the most important people in your life, you couldn't let her off with the satisfaction that Max chose her. If you couldn't have that one special person, then why does she deserve it? What did she ever do? What made her better than you?

Wrenching your hands from her grip, you glared at her, "Did you really think you could play the victim here? These past few months have been hell on me, and you're boyfriend and his family have barely made it bearable. Did you hear me? I said 'you're boyfriend'. It means that he's already yours, so why are you asking me to give up something that isn't mine."

Scowling at her, you turned around and walked away when you heard her call out to you, "What would you do? If your boyfriend spent more time with some other girl?"

"I'm not some other girl, Allison. I'm somebody to him, he cares about me, and right now, I need his support more than anything."

"I guess that leaves me no choice then, I can't be with someone who can't give me his entire heart."

You froze in your tracks, eyes widening. Flashes of Max blaming you, rejecting you, not being there for you went through your head.

Your breath seemed stuck in your throat, you could only breath out but it seemed like something was stopping you from breathing in.

Your chest began burning painfully and your eyes watered.

The words were choking you and you could barely mutter, "I'll stay away from Max. Happy now?"

You couldn't hear her thank you's over the blood rushing through your ears as you escaped to the restroom and locked yourself in a stall, wrapping your arms around yourself and pulling your knees up to your chest.

'You did the right thing. You did the right thing.'

You told yourself, trying to gasp for air between your sobs.

'Max wouldn't. Even though he doesn't love you that way anymore, he still loves you.'

'If he stopped loving me that way, he could stop loving me this way too.'

'No, stop, don't think that way. He wouldn't do that to you. He knows you need him.'

You hid your head further, shut your eyes tighter and tried to stop the war going inside you.

As you tried to calm yourself, trying to stop yourself from thinking too much you heard a quite voice, one you didn't recognize. One that you thought came from your own mind, but you could've sworn it wasn't yours.

'You did the right thing. You did well.'

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