Author's Note (Contest)

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Hello my readers!

This isn't a legit contest or anything, but I just want to see how creative you all can get and see all the clues I've inserted since chapter one.

It regards the most important line that was kind of like a riddle.

I want you all to guess the least expected person who will be the reader's greatest enemy.

Now keep in mind, the greatest enemy could be revealed in any time in the future, so there could be a time skip of a couple of years.

Although I already know who it is, I just want to see who all will get it right and see all the clues hidden in the story.

And not only a name. E.g. Phoebe Thunderman

I want an entire back story. E.g Phoebe Thunderman is (Y/N)'s greatest enemy because she hates her, that's why she broke the elevator.

I realize I'm not giving you anything really to figure it out but I just want to see how creative you guys can get.

Your answer should consist of 3 things (Keep in mind that any guesses without three of these factors will not be counted) :

1. The suspect (who do you think is the villain?)

2. The motive (what is their goal as the villain?)

3. The proof (what were the red flags?)

Now to figure things out, it'll be best if you start from the beginning, go through anything that may have been over described or big incidents that would have happened to our starring character. Check out every single character mentioned even once and think about them, their personality and backstory.

You can guess how many ever times you want.

The rewards of course (Tell me if you guys want anything else and I'll consider it)

1. For those who guessed one of the three factors correct : A mention in a chapter

2. For those who guessed two of the three factors correct : A mention and a follow

3. For those who guessed all of them correctly : A chapter dedication and a follow

Now, I just want all of you to try it out and see how creative you can get.

I also want to see your response to this, if it's good maybe I'll hold another one in the future.

The winners will be revealed when the chapter revealing the villain.

Any questions? Feel free to drop a comment below (I read all of your comments by the way and some of them really crack me up)

Good luck guys!!

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