Chapter 21

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Waking up felt like you were experiencing a hangover, you assumed since you hadn't ever had a sip of alcohol.

It didn't get better from there. The usual small things that didn't bug you, bugged you even more as the knowledge of Adam leaving floated in and out of your mind.

You hadn't bothered brushing your hair before you had fallen asleep that you were surprised you didn't wake up with a few eggs on your head.

The erratic movements of your brush while trying to get all the tangles out of your hair, while clumps of it fell on the floor, had left your scalp throbbing. 

And not to mentions when you accidentally dragged your brush painfully against a pimple.

Oh, the pain.

It was obvious to anyone that you had emerged from the room in a 'bit' of a bad mood, 'bit' being the size of the large pimple that was probably red by now.

However, when you were met by the expectant gazes of Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, you couldn't help the hope and excitement of new things to bubble in your stomach. Of course, with the underlying anxiety and fear, but nothing you couldn't handle.

Barb honestly questioned whose daughter you were when she saw you and her husband pig out over the hotel's buffet. Of course, only the best for Thunderman and Electriss, and association. (That's you!)

"So, what are we doing first?" You asked, after stuffing yourself with fluffy pancakes, drenched in practically all the toppings from the pancake bar. You practically emptied the syrup bottle.

Barb swallowed her fruit, "Well, first we go for a scan of your powers, which is at the hall of heroes."

You nodded, taking a sip of your drink to wash down your pancakes which was more whipped cream than pancake.

Fingering the pin in your hair, you adjusted a lock of your hair so it'd stay out of your face and keep it out of risk of getting drenched in syrup.

You briefly glanced at Hank, who had his face stuffed with waffles and chicken and you suddenly felt second-hand embarrassment on behalf of his children.

That was until you saw the awed face of the waiter who looked like he was practically ready to lick the floor if he asked him to.

Rolling your eyes, you quickly finished your breakfast and went to wash your hands when Hank caught up with you, "Getting seconds already, (Y/N)?"

You smiled politely, "No, actually, I'm done."

He frowned, "Done? But you barely ate anything. You already have a boyfriend, I think it's about time you let yourself go a little bit."

Slightly amused, "Max won't be able to recognize me when I get home."

He rolled his eyes, "Then we'll get him glasses, come on, let's get some of those hash browns."

So, you ended up loading your plate with hash browns, muffins and even had a bowl of cereal.

You were so going to throw up.

While breakfast was enough to distract you from the big decision looming over you head, however once you were back into the Thunder-Van, you were compelled to actually think about it

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While breakfast was enough to distract you from the big decision looming over you head, however once you were back into the Thunder-Van, you were compelled to actually think about it.

It was a lose-lose for both options, to be honest. You weren't looking forward to choosing either but you knew you needed to decide before this trip came to an end.

You bit your lip in thought, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman were your family, of a sort, but you always knew that they had a real family to return to.

However, Adam was always just yours. It was besides the point of sharing, but more like identity.

For the entirety of your life, you were always a sore thumb, no one to help mold you into an individual. You could never say you were more like you mother or father, because you never knew either one of them.

You could never be associated with anyone, you could never be a Thunderman.

However, you could be alone, just with Adam.

It was why you felt this decision was very hard to make, because you couldn't possibly give up the closest thing you've had to a family for always watching the Thundermans from the sidelines, even though you could see a part of the world you never did before.

Even though your lip was bitten raw by now, you continued to abuse it, finding it only fit to stop when you tasted blood.

"(Y/N)?" Barb called turning to face you in the back seat, "We're here."

You looked up, letting your red lip fall from between your teeth. Her brows furrowed, seeing your troubled state, but chalked it up to you being nervous for your power scan.

Stepping into the building, your eyes darted around landing on the large tapestries of famous superheroes hanging from the ceiling. Suddenly, jeans looked very out of place within marble walls.

Your shoes clicked against the floors as you struggled to keep up with the Thundermans, trying to get a good look at everything.

They simply nodded at the workers who noiselessly opened doors for them, letting them pass before shutting them once again.

Soon enough, you reached a room labelled 'Power Scan'. Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman entered after briefly knocking and smiled at the young man sitting behind the computer.

"Riley! How good to see you again!" Barb smiled, walking over to hug him, which he returned, "It's good to see you too Mrs. Thunderman."

Riley returned to his seat before the computer, "Power scan for a (Y/N) (L/N), right?" He glanced at you and sent a smile. Through your nerves you managed to send an awkward one back.

"Nervous?" "Yes, but I have no idea why?" "We've all been there." He grinned.

Quickly walking over to a machine that resembled a metal detector, he pressed a few switches and you heard the gentle hum of the machine as it switched on.

Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman settled behind the computer and sent you smiles, "Alright, (Y/N) take off any metal that you might be wearing and just step through that when you're ready."

You quickly took off your ring, boots, jacket and pulled your pin out of your hair, setting in on the table they sat behind.

Taking a deep breath, you carried yourself through the machine, going slowly so the machine could scan your properly.

You glanced back and noticed Riley frowning and Barb sending a confused, slightly panicked look to her husband, who had furrowed brows.

"What? What's wrong?"

Riley sent you a reassuring smile, "Nothing, can you go once again through the machine, (Y/N)?"

You nodded and went through the machine, going even slowly this time. Nervousness licked at your stomach it contracted painfully.

You looked back at Riley, watching the way his brows furrowed.

"(Y/N), I think there's been some mistake. You don't have any powers."

You really wished you hadn't eaten a big breakfast as food crawled up your throat.

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