Chapter 29

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"You sighed, panting lightly, you were still feeling very dizzy, "I don't have powers, Adam."

He shook his head, "Don't try and fool me, (Y/N), I know who you are and what you possess."

"No, you don't, I don't have powers, I thought I did but I don't."

His glare was chilling and he walked towards the table in front of you, looking through a few things, "Do you know who your mother is?"

You narrowed your eyes, "I'll answer your question if you answer mind."

"Since you're the one tied up, I don't know why you would think that you're in any position to be making the rules, but I'll allow it, since you're going to die soon anyway."

Your breath hitched and your eyes widened, watching as Adam leaned against the table, arms folded handsomely in front of his chest, "You're going to kill me?"

He pouted sardonically, "Huh, I thought you would've asked me who I am, but I guess I'll answer you're question. I'm not going to kill you,"

You didn't have time to let relief fill you before he spoke again, "But you are going to die."

A frightening grin spread on his face, "Your turn."

You shivered before looking away, "I know."

The room was silent and still for a moment and just for a moment you felt like if you opened your eyes, the room would be bright and Adam would be smiling cheerfully and laughing. Just for a moment.

But when you opened your eyes, Adam was moving behind the table once again to fiddle with his stuff.

"Then you probably know that she's dead."

You nodded quietly, narrowing your eyes at him in a silent question. 

But you were too afraid to ask.

Instead you just hung your head, trying to think of a way to get out but nothing came to your mind except bawling your eyes out. Before you could even help yourself, you began sniffling and your eyes misted.

"It was me." Adam answered, nodding silently to himself and your eyes snapped towards him, a tear straying and falling onto your jeans. Seeing your tears, he faltered, just for a second before his face turned cold once again.

"Your mother was a non-supe before she met me. She was a med-student and I wanted to find out how super powers made our bodies different and if we could pinpoint the exact thing that made me super, maybe we could replicate it,"

"Over time, your mother got more and more jealous that she didn't have powers and I did, and like a fool, I promised that I would help her and she'd get to be just like me."

The words he was saying, were so hard to believe. Of course, you had never met your mother but you had always painted her as heroic and a bringer of justice but the song he was singing was a completely different tune.

"But when we found out that it took a specific kind of energy to produce powers, we gathered that powers could be transmitted but could neither be replicated nor shared. That's when she stabbed me in the back. She stole my powers."

Your eyes widened and you gaped at him, "I can't believe you."

"I know that you thought of your mother as a great superhero but she was far from that—"


"She was the worst kind of villain—"


You struggled against your restraints, tears falling from your eyes, "If you knew this, then why didn't you ever stop me from imagining what my mother would be like! I told you what I thought of her! I told you that I looked up to her and it didn't matter that I don't remember meeting her! Why didn't you tell me!" You screamed.

Adam frowned at you, "I was afraid that if I showed some resentment against her you wouldn't have come here with me."

"And why did you bring me here? Why not just do this back in Hiddenville?"

He sighed, seemingly disappointed with your slow mind and set down the object in his hand, "Because, here, even if you manage to escape, you won't be able to find your way anywhere."

Your brows furrowed, "I'll go to the police—"

"Do you know where that even is?"

Your eyes widened, you didn't know where it was, you didn't know anything about the neighbourhood, now that you thought about it. You didn't even know what was down the street.

You slowly raised your head to meet his eyes, "How?"

"The air conditioner. In the car. It was loading with sleeping gas. Didn't you think it was weird that I always asked you to turn up the A/C before I got into the car?"

You blinked furiously, recalling all the times that he had conveniently gotten out of the car every single time he came to pick you up from school

"I—" Your voice got caught in your throat and you were left staring at Adam, teary-eyed, hoping that he would let you off.

"And now, you won't be able to contact anyone." He said as he dug his hand into the pocket of your hoodie, pulling out your phone. In a second, he had dropped it and you heard a sickening crack.

"Why did you kill my mother?" You asked weakly once his back was turned to you. He froze and you noticed his shoulders tense for a second before he sighed, "I didn't mean to."

"It was shortly after your mom gave birth to you, I still don't know how, but since she didn't have them genetically, she couldn't pass the gene to you, so instead she passed her powers." He paused before continuing, "I captured her, because I wanted my powers but the extraction didn't work and she died."

You sucked in a breath, "So your powers have just been dormant in me?"

He nodded, "I'm going to have to activate it first before I can extract them."

You nodded, "They're not mine anyway, I shouldn't keep something that was stolen."

Adam came up to you and gave you a soft grin before pecking your forehead gently, "Thanks for being so cool about this."

You managed to send him a soft smile and he released you from your restraints. Your eyes widened, "Why—?"

"Look, I don't want you to be in pain, I really do love you. Since your not going to resist I don't see any reason to keep you bound."

 "You said I was going to die." You mumbled looking away from him when he rubbed the redness on your wrists soothingly.

"I'm going to try and keep you from dying, but I can't lie, it's a possibility." He muttered, hanging his head.

You took a deep breath, "Let's do it."

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