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Trial of Spades and Angels: Phoenix's Lies Copyright © 2022 by Lila Rose 34. All Rights Reserved.

This story, its characters, places and content belong to me. No part of this book may be distributed, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without the author's written consent, except for the use of small excerpts in reviews. Unauthorized copying, distribution, reproduction, translation or transmission of this story infringes copyright and is punishable by law.

I have put this story, like all my other ones, on both Wattpad as well as Quotev. However, if you are reading this novel OUTSIDE of those two sites please report it to me as that means the story is being posted without my permission and would mean you are reading it illegally.

A more in-depth description for you lovelies, hope you enjoy it xx


River South. On the outside, she's the perfect girl: Good grades, a steady boyfriend and a great group of friends - making it appear that she has it all. but underneath that good girl exterior River is struggling to cope with a seemingly never-ending source of tragedy, absent and cruel mother, and the fact that's she's numb inside. Hollowed out by heartbreak that five years on still leaves her empty inside. Left to care for her family and risk her life in secret, all whilst trying to appear normal on the outside and live her life as best she can.

Across the country star athlete, Phoenix North also seems to have it all. wealth, great friends and a talent that has him on track for a scholarship to one of the top colleges in the states. He has it all...all but a heart that is. a heart and compassion. well, that and a cruel streak that almost has him throw it all away. All because he is also suffering from a heartbreak that goes back to where he grew up....and the girl he grew up with. One that no one sees since he covers it up with a player's attitude in an attempt to protect whatever may be left of his heart.

In a last-ditch attempt to save Phoenix from himself - and the pain he's carrying around - Phoenix's dad moves him back to the town of Ayrith where he and River grew up not just as best friends but also as childhood sweethearts. That is until he ends up in trouble and the two lose touch following an argument and string of bad decisions that never got discussed. The move excites River since she thinks she's getting her best friend and childhood sweetheart back, but that is before she's faced with a cold, arrogant Phoenix. A stranger and player who breaks hearts left, right and centre. all but hers 

Just seeing each others' surface personas that the two give to the world he pushes her away, and her him. but when paired up for a school project the two are forced to see beneath the exterior of the other to the pain, suffering and heartbreak they've been holding in for the five years they've been apart. the longer they're forced to confront it the more River and Phoenix can't deny the connection that, despite five years of distance, still exists between them. the instant connection. the obsession they have with one another. the question is can Phoenix and River save each other and their connection to one another? or will they have spent too much time apart and become too different? or, will they try but their pasts, darkness and secrets draw the two deeper into something addictive and twisted that they may not be able to escape?   

A Trial of Spades and Angels Novel 


one thing before you go. This book does deal with several troubling and triggering issues as well as some more adult content including: 

- dark thoughts/depression

- mature/18+ content 

- Abuse (Mental, emotional and psychological)

- Self-harm and physical abuse 

- Rape/Sexual Assault (Sexual abuse) 

- Bullying

- Anorexia/Eating Disorder 

- Trauma/Some elements of PTSD

- Suicide reference/mention and attempt 

If you find  any of these subjects triggering or they make you uncomfortable please do not continue with this book. One last thing to mention before you continue on to read: is is not a happy love story with perfect characters but a darker journey with imperfect  characters and darker themes including the ones listed above among others so if that is not the kind of story you enjoy reading then this book might not be for you. 

thank you and for those who continue, I hope you enjoy the story xx

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