New Evidence?

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The days following my arrest are hard. Whenever I close my eyes I can see what happened that morning. Hear him screaming for me as they dragged me out of the house. The way he and Ari ran after me for as long as they could before I was pulled too far away and was out of their reach. Yet still, Nix called after me until his screams were swallowed up by the morning air.

Inside the police station, however, was no better since they placed me in a holding cell near where people could come in. Everywhere I listened I could hear people talking about my case. A news bulletin running in the background that seemed permanently tuned onto my case as well. Add to that I've been denied visitation. It's a hellhole I can't escape from since unlike last time I don't have anyone helping me inside for one, and two I did what I was accused of. With evidence to back up what they say. Something that makes it worse for me all around.

"Breakfast, eat up girl," Someone bypasses my cell and bangs against the bars, joining me out of the half-sleep I'd been trying to stay in to avoid the nightmare, knowing all too well what it would mean if they found that out. Maybe a psych evaluation, maybe the court date being pushed forward. A girl can dream. "You up there girl?"

Swallowing, I push it away and move to sit at the back end of the bed with my head resting on the wall, eyes fluttering as I try to remain awake. Knowing all too well the punishment if they catch me sleeping when I shouldn't be. What they could do. I look around, hoping to see a friendly face, but without luck. I knew Maeve and Antonio were around somewhere since they'd arrived not long after I'd been arrested, staying as long as they could. Ash had been by as well but no sign of anything else. Anyone else.

"Someone wants to see you," The sound of the guard's return has me looking up, spotting the burly asshole who had hauled me in here on my first day. Blinking twice I nod and stand, leaning against the wall a little when the world spins. The guard's expression falters and for just a second looks concerned, human. "You ok over there?"

I scowl, "Fine," I stumble once and he reaches for me but I bat his hand away, glaring. "Don't you fucking touch me you obnoxious prick. I can walk by myself thank you very fucking much." He moves away with his hands raised before I walk toward the doorway, there a second guard stands who's wearing an expression of lascivious humour and a dark glint in his eyes. "I'm walking, keep your hands to yourself."

"If you say so, Aphrodite," the second guard's eyes meet mine and I see the same markings of black and silver as Nix swore he saw on the Phoenix's arm that day El died. I swallow and start to walk before a hand roughly shoves me. I wince and stumble where my bruises are pressed since whoever had taken me those first days decided that it was ok to use low levels of torture to attempt to get a confession. "Come along now, you have a visitor."

I wallow then as I feel a pair of handcuffs being clamped around my wrists and me being led out with the two working for Ivar pushing me roughly in front of them. Down long corridors toward the secluded interrogation rooms. Clamping down on my fear I have no choice but to let them push me down more corridors until we come to a room. When we get inside I'm attached to the table before they leave to speak to whoever I'm supposed to be meeting with. Standing guard.

Once I'm alone I pull as hard as I can to try and get out but the chain attached to the cuffs is linked to the table. Meaning it's impossible to get out without a key and I don't see one anywhere. Shaking my head to try and clear it from the lack of sleep I hear something like a hairpin drop and attempt to kick it where I can lean to reach it. Trying again and again, only to kick it too far out of reach as the door bangs open and I notice where two people come into the room.

I scowl, "Connor, what the fuck do you want?"

He comes in and leans against the wall, his posture a notch above a slouch with his mouth turned down into an expression that's a mixture of a scowl and a smirk. "Our precious little black Aphrodite seems we finally caught up after all." He studies me with a mock sympathetic expression. "Sorry for the inhospitable treatment, but if you tell us what we want to know we'll stop. Go easy on you?"

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