Begging and Bets

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It takes a while for us to come up with a solid plan that would at least get us in, all of us having our fears and worries. But eventually, we figure it out as the clouds that had hung ominously all day finally break. Showering us all in the rain when we step out, choosing to run to the cars we were taking as far as we could.

"All know the way?" I ask one last time as the ones going with us nod. Others had been called in and arrived during the planning; some were just meeting us there. "Ok, let's get going then." I give Ash a particular look then and he nods once, seeming to sense my nerves in how he tries to reassure me. I take a breath, "Ok, I'm leaving," the four going with me nod too. "The rest of you hang back until Ash or one of the others gives the signal. I can't do it since I'm supposed to go alone."

I then flex my hands a few times, catching my reflection in the mirror by the door. My normal black makes me feel a little better, even with the worry still simmering inside. Lo keeps near me and offers a look now and again but I just respond with a tight smile, trying to reassure her as Ash had done for me before. "You ok?"

She finally breaks the silence after a few long minutes and I know she can read me better than I'd have liked thanks to having spent so much time getting to know her a few years back when she met Mads. I offer up a shrug but don't speak, not sure what to say. "Hey we'll get him back, It'll be ok."

"He's not ok," My whisper is low. Low enough that only we hear it. Lo frowns, a pained look on her face. "They're torturing him Lo. trying to kill him even, all just to get to me because I ran." tears slip down my cheeks for a few seconds before I lock that down and swallow once, hard. "He's not ok and it's all my fault, I have to fix this. He doesn't deserve this."

She sighs, "I know this won't be what you want to hear, but Nix chose this. Just like you did." I look up at her with angry tears, but she just sighs. "He-I spoke to Ari. she explained. He asked to know, then asked to be a part of this when you'd shown an outside window. It was his choice, Don't forget that." She gives me another look as I tuck my braids under my hood, tempted to hide my face. Until I drop the hood halfway and sigh, knowing Lo's right. "Come on let's go get him back. Then you two can talk and figure out whatever else is going on with you."

"It's just a worry, what if something happens when we do this?" I ask, seeing how the others are moving out, leaving me and Lo. "What if one of you gets hurt?"

Lo shrugs, "We protect our own, the one value that Ivar had, even if warped. We just do it differently. He's one of us the same way you are. We all know the risks, especially people like me and Mads who have targets on our backs like you do. But we chose to be part of this because we're family and family sticks together ok?"

I nod and hug her once. Then without another word, we go out to join the others. Again I catch Ash giving me an odd look, one mixed in with sympathy, but I offer that same smile and leave to get into my car, running through the rain that showers over me along the way. Slamming the door shut when in the safety of the car I start the engine and crank up the heater as I pull out, seeing other car headlights blink to life in the gloom as people also move about. Keeping the music tuned low I drive as fast and safely as possible over to the back edge of the Mountain View forest, my gut tightening in response.

Stopping the car I turn off the engine and stare out at the unfolding storm. Hearing peals of thunder clap overhead strong enough to make the windows on the car shake. Sending the ground erupting into vibrations when I step out to face the onslaught of rain. Odd flashes of lightning can be seen here and there but seem to be safe enough a distance away for us to move. Around my car, I can see others stopping but don't wait to see if they've caught up to me since I know they'll get to me when they do. All of us have the same location.

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