She's Not Breathing....She's Gone?

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The second Riv collapses I don't know what to do. I try shaking her, calling her. Anything I can do to make her hear me but it's no use. Whatever happened to her I can't fix it since I don't know what it is. What has happened to her? I didn't see her at school all day and Ari said she'd check on her but never heard back. And with the rain, I can't hear anything even with my window open.

"Nixy where did you go..." I can hear Libby calling for me inside the house but part of me can't move where I'm still kneeling in the rain. I can hear her calling again and again until she comes into the doorway and stops, eyes wide. "What happened?"

"Can you stay there for me Lib-Lou? I need to get them inside and call Ari ok. I'll be back soon." She nods but doesn't move for a second. Almost as if she's worried as to what will happen if she does. "Please, I can't be worrying about you too and you don't need to see this, Lib." She nods again and this time moves. Something that reassures me that she'll stay out of the way enough that it won't be something she sees. Has to remember.

Hearing the thunder overhead the storm takes a turn as the rain gets even worse and I know I need to move. Before I lose either of them. Not that I know what is wrong. Just that both are cold and unresponsive. Wet too, though that could just be from the rain. Although something about Elena's condition seems to suggest otherwise from the faint blue tint to her skin that I can see under the blanket. Taking her gently out of her sister's arms I carry the small girl into the lounge where the movie I'd been watching with Libby still plays, my little sister, watching me with wide eyes.

"I'm sure she'll be ok Lib-Lou but let me know if something happens ok?" She nods and scoots closer to her friend, arms around her where she holds the little girl in a way that has me flashing back to when Riv and I used to be that close. Shaking my head out of it I race through the house and out into the rain to see Riv still hasn't moved. Eyes closed and silent. Picking up her bag where it fell I shoulder it before picking her up gently. Holding her close and cursing myself for what happened between us. For not talking to Ari sooner. For what I said to her drunk that one night that I didn't mean. For all of the bad shit, I did when I didn't know her reasons for why she did what she did. Said what she did. Cursing myself for being so cold to her, just because I was lost.

Ari had been right, I just didn't want to admit it to myself since it would mean accepting that I wasn't ok. Which would have meant I had to explain to myself why. Had to let back in the memories of what happened all those years ago before I left and then what happened in Phoenix. Losing my family. The time I spent in juvie and why. The pain of missing the one person back home that I gave my heart to before I even knew what love was, much less how dangerous it can be. All of it. But I can't think about that now. Not when she's like this and I have no way to fix it. To figure it out.

Getting back inside I re-lock the doors and hear the storm continue outside. Coming back into the lounge again I keep Riv on my lap as I hunt around for my phone, needing to ask Ari what to do since I'm no expert but something is wrong with both Riv and her sister Elena. I just don't know what. And without help from someone else won't be able to fix it. Frowning, I look for it a little longer before Libby passes it to me. Cuddled up to my side with Elena near her. She shivers and I spare an arm to put around her. Dialling Ari I hear it ring twice before she picks up.

"Nix? Are you ok?" She sounds confused and the connection is static. Crackly. The storm must be breaking up the connection. "Nix what is it that you needed? Is everything ok?" Suddenly I hear her words but don't know what to say, how to explain it. How do I explain whatever just happened? Can I? "Nix?"

"Can....can you come over? I need your help with something and I don't know what to do." My words are rushed and I can feel my hands shake for a second before Libby sighs and clasps the one around her shoulder. "I need you, Ari. something....something happened to Riv and her sister and I don't know what to do. Please."

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