Proposition From Hell

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(Song for during the fight)



The week flies by after that discussion on Monday. I trained hard with Ash all week since both of us were a little nervous about what will happen when we have no idea who I'm against. But he remains sure I can win. Stopping on Friday afternoon I suddenly remembered what I wanted to ask him before. "Hey Ash, can I ask you something?" He turns and nods, eyes on mine. "Nix said you were helping him with his anger, can I ask how?"

Ash smiles, "Just basic self-defence. Giving him access to here when he needs to get rid of pent-up aggression. Normal stuff, nothing illegal I promise."

"So no fights like mine?" I ask, my voice a little unsteady.

Ash shakes his head. "Offered it but he said no. Just wanted to have somewhere to get rid of his anger to avoid 'repeating past mistakes,'." He gives me a look and I nod slowly, knowing all too well what Nix meant by the comment. "He'll be ok. Just needs to learn to channel it. Before it swallows him."

I hugged him then. "Thank you," Ash smiles, "Ash I'm nervous." He frowns.

"You'll be ok later Riv. No matter who it is I've never seen you lose a fight. You'll be fine, just make sure not to panic, that's what sets you back. Ok?"

I nod, finishing up and going home to get ready. Hoping Ash was right. Hoping with everything I had.

That Night

Getting down to where the fights are normally held has butterflies of anxiety churning inside. I had seen Nix before I left and he said he'd come by later to see me but I just smiled and asked again if he didn't. He didn't reply and I know that he'll make up his mind regardless of whatever I asked. I just hoped he stayed away, safe.

Getting in I change and wait in the back with Ash who keeps watching me. Me and then the door as people stand around, watching the fight before mine. "Still nothing on who it is?"

"Nope, sorry R, I wish I could tell you it would make it all so much easier." Outside the sound of the fight has me feeling nervous but a little excited as well at the prospect of taking home the prize: three million. The most I'll have ever won, "Come on it's almost time to...." He trails off.

The lights go out.

As the last patron from the previous fight leaves all the lights go out other than the one that shines over the octagonal cage where I usually fight. Something that lets me see a shadowy shape to the left of it. One I can't shake the feeling I know. Glancing at Ash he frowns but doesn't stop me from going out. Seeing how no one was there.

"Ash, what the hell is going on?" I look over to see my friend has no more of an idea than I do as more shadowy shapes come out to join the one I can already see. The one that calls to me.

"Oh River...." Derek's cold voice echoes off the wall and I stand straighter then, my eyes alight with fire. "Come out, come out wherever you are."

"Right here asshole," I step into where the light can reach, seeing Ash stay a little in the darkness, eyes on me. "What do you want?"

"To check, you turned up. Me and the boys weren't sure you would do, given who we've put you against. Guess now we'll see what happens." His tone is glacial but his words make me feel even worse. His boys. I knew the crowd he runs with, who he runs with. "You have no idea what we've done, do you? Oh well, guess you'll have to get in and figure out if you can get out again."

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