Age of Miracles?

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The next few days are hard. Me, Ari and the others are back every single day as early as possible to try and figure out how to save Riv and get her out of juvie before she ends up trapped more than we could help her. We stay all day and half the night each time but nothing much more comes of it.

"It's no use we've been here for days and still we've found nothing more than what we already knew." Ari sounds like she's about to give up but I can't have that luxury. Pushing away from her papers on the desk she comes over to where I'm sitting with Mads trying to decode the Ip addresses for the messages. "Please tell me you two have had more luck. Or that one of the other groups have."

"Still going," I mumble, looking through lines of code to see if I can find a clue we've missed when we've been looking through to see if there's a hidden keyword we've missed. "There has to be something in here we've missed Mads. the Ip addresses can't be invisible. Can they?"

I let out a low breath and move to walk for a second, having been sitting for hours trying to decode this. Michael, Mal and Pey all looked into the footage from the cameras and tried to unravel enough of it to find the true footage under whatever Ivar had done. However, he messed with it so it didn't replay what it should have done.

"No one else got in trouble right, over what happened?" I look to Ari then where she's not yet returned to what she was doing. "You guys who helped us when Riv called, you didn't get into trouble did you?"

Air shakes her head. "No, we were out of there before we had a chance to be seen. But....oh shit." She pales then and I see her hands shake. Her mouth moves over words she doesn't speak aloud for a few seconds. Just shakes and looks around wildly as I finally make out what she's saying seconds before she speaks aloud. "The daggers. Oh, shit the daggers.'' She spins around, eyes locked on Ash. "We....did we take the daggers with us? The ones Riv used?"

Ash pales. "No I-I didn't. I thought either you, Hunt or Michael did since we were all there. I just tried to help you three cover up what happened. By the time we made it back to that part of the night they were gone. Don't you have them?"

Ari shakes her head. "No," She looks to Hunt who shakes his head slowly, eyes turning to Michael who looks up as if suddenly realising the conversation has moved on. "Michael? Did you take the daggers at night or not? Please...please tell me you did?" Her voice grows fainter the more the silence stretches as Michael thinks. "Michael please, PLEASE TELL ME YOU HAVE THEM!" She's pleading by now but Michael takes another second before nodding.

"Yeah, I think I did. It was two sets of twelve. I put them in my car to return to the others, meaning to clean them of Riv's prints, Nix's too if they were still on them." Ari breathes out a sigh of relief, "I'll go get them now, guess it's more sensible to keep them in her.'' He moves to leave and Ari follows after him, both talking together in low voices. "Give us a second and we'll be back."

"O-kay," I turn around as Lo answers Michael, suddenly seeing something changed on the screen across from where it had been playing the same parts of Riv's case for the past few days. Except now it's showing something more. "Hey, can you turn that up, Lo?" I see when she turns around then, eyes finding what I'd just seen.

"News just in the weapons used and the car drove by local eighteen-year-old River Aveyanna South in the previously supposed murders via vehicular manslaughter of Jaxson Marin, Blaze Anatoli, Cassimir Andrik and Zeke Moreno as well as putting both Logan Acosta and Cam Santos in the ICU, both of whom are still unresponsive. She is also wanted on several other attempts of attempted vehicular manslaughter against several others who have testified. Looking deeper it is found that River was in possession of and seen firing a silver handgun that was found in the glove compartment of the black Chevrolet Camaro she was seen driving away in the night of the crime. However, when searching the scene and asking around the town it was also discovered that River used a set of chinese ring daggers which have now been handed over to the police to both injure and murder Jaxson Mari, Blaze Anatoli and Cassimir Andrik and Zeke Moreno, two of which were injured but also then were later found dead when found were also in as well as being partially the cause of putting Logan Acosta and Cam Santos in the ICU after an altercation with miss South and her accomplice followed by what was later reviewed to be a high-speed car chase between Miss South and her accomplice along with four other cars still unidentified, two were dark and one white Audi as well as a silver Nissan GT-R, all with unidentifiable drivers. If anyone offers more help with finding the accomplices travelling with River South information is appreciated. Until then we will keep you updated, keep watching to stay tuned."

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